The Official R=G outlandish qoutables thread


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
Damn so he only tweets three people and has no friends on his twitter...I'm not sure how twitter works but this whole thing is hillarious

R&G is probably cool people just a little scary that the guy is like 33 asking the Rock to come out with an album...nothing wrong with passion but I'm just wow

R&G gives a lot of freebies which makes me wonder if he's the type to want to buy his friends and takes girls on dates and buys them gifts but doesn't get any play from them.

It's an interesting case study...he claims to be a mobster but is on here talking about wrestling and porn all day

He should have a reality show I would love to see his live reactions to wrestling shows


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Just admit that your a 33 year old virgin who makes dumb ass statements when your not on your medication

Lmfao at people leaving the show early because the Rock's match had finished :laff:

Lol at the Rock ignoring your stalking ass :dead:

Admit? I'm not 33. Your girlfriend would leave you she ever came in contact with me..that's for damn sure. And the rest of that rambling and rhetoric? Who cares.

The Rock is GREAT. He can ignore me 50x over...I'm still gonna prop him and use that account the way I always intended to. As a device to push buttons. You're more riled up by this than me..if I cared, the account would be dead and you would of never knew it existed in the first place:laugh: It's just the Net. It's no big deal. You dudes are offball characters...I'm the BE and END all of your day. You don't stalk the Rock..but you can't do anything without it being R=G related on this forum. Because if you don't? It won't get any attention or matter. That's the same formula that's been going in TSC for 4 years. I'm the centerpiece. Your reactions are why this stuff is comedy personified.:pachaha:


May 28, 2012
Admit? I'm not 33. Your girlfriend would leave you she ever came in contact with me..that's for damn sure. And the rest of that rambling and rhetoric? Who cares.

The Rock is GREAT. He can ignore me 50x over...I'm still gonna prop him and use that account the way I always intended to. As a device to push buttons. You're more riled up by this than me..if I cared, the account would be dead and you would of never knew it existed in the first place:laugh: It's just the Net. It's no big deal. You dudes are offball characters...I'm the BE and END all of your day. You don't stalk the Rock..but you can't do anything without it being R=G related on this forum. Because if you don't? It won't get any attention or matter. That's the same formula that's been going in TSC for 4 years. I'm the centerpiece. Your reactions are why this stuff is comedy personified.:pachaha:

We need somebody to clown in TSC and this is where you come in. Now if you wanna enjoy being popular for this reason then by all means you can :youngsabo:

And your twitter is only pushing the Rock's wrong buttons :laugh:

No wonder you get no replies from the champ :myman:


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
Admit? I'm not 33. Your girlfriend would leave you she ever came in contact with me..that's for damn sure.




Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
but you can't do anything without it being R=G related on this forum.
This is perfect...take for example....this guy "krackdafraud"
This kid adores me. Comes to this site to talk to me in a variety of ways. Knows of my SOHH twitter alias' set up accounts on Myspace...Youtube...the Erik DiMera scam that dates all the way back to like 1998 with Elizabeth. All of that stuff. He's not gay, right? That's what he claims but his actions prove different. Probably has never spent this kind of time on a girl he "loves" in his life..that's if the midget can even get a female that he can hover over without stilts.

After I shytted on Michaels for like the 50,000th time a couple of months back and had to make him understand that his parents weren't shyt by letting him grow up to be an undercover homosexual of such accord, he got "mad". He went to the Locker Room and created a thread looking to create controversy. It didn't go anywhere. He follows me around NONSTOP(everywhere here sees that every Monday, Thursday, and anything of note)..I don't have to say ONE word yet his day will easily revolve around me with :russ: smilies with assertions of trying to attach his name to mine:laugh:

You all call this a feud. It's no feud. He's a Dominican peasant. A nobody. A flea basically. Just like his broke ass people in DR right now. I've gotten him so riled up that he wanted to fight me cross country on HIS say so and command:laugh: So riled up that he wants me to SHOW HIM my earnings and property value. A internet stalker wants ME to show him my accounts?:pachaha: Your name is fitting becauase you definitely are on crack.

Thing is..I don't even have to say anything and this thread will do numbers simply because my name is it.

Scarecrow and Scholar? Who are these cats and where do they come from?:laugh: Oh yeah..they saw MY NAME and now they want to post in TSC. Figures. That's the way it was and the way it always will be:boss:

One more is that "Replace R=G Mod" thread going?:laugh:

61 Corpses

The Breh
May 26, 2012
This is perfect...take for example....this guy "krackdafraud"
This kid adores me. Comes to this site to talk to me in a variety of ways. Knows of my SOHH twitter alias' set up accounts on Myspace...Youtube...the Erik DiMera scam that dates all the way back to like 1998 with Elizabeth. All of that stuff. He's not gay, right? That's what he claims but his actions prove different. Probably has never spent this kind of time on a girl he "loves" in his life..that's if the midget can even get a female that he can hover over without stilts.

After I shytted on Michaels for like the 50,000th time a couple of months back and had to make him understand that his parents weren't shyt by letting him grow up to be an undercover homosexual of such accord, he got "mad". He went to the Locker Room and created a thread looking to create controversy. It didn't go anywhere. He follows me around NONSTOP(everywhere here sees that every Monday, Thursday, and anything of note)..I don't have to say ONE word yet his day will easily revolve around me with :russ: smilies with assertions of trying to attach his name to mine:laugh:

You all call this a feud. It's no feud. He's a Dominican peasant. A nobody. A flea basically. Just like his broke ass people in DR right now. I've gotten him so riled up that he wanted to fight me cross country on HIS say so and command:laugh: So riled up that he wants me to SHOW HIM my earnings and property value. A internet stalker wants ME to show him my accounts?:pachaha: Your name is fitting becauase you definitely are on crack.

Thing is..I don't even have to say anything and this thread will do numbers simply because my name is it.

Scarecrow and Scholar? Who are these cats and where do they come from?:laugh: Oh yeah..they saw MY NAME and now they want to post in TSC. Figures. That's the way it was and the way it always will be:boss:

One more is that "Replace R=G Mod" thread going?:laugh:
You locked it fakkit