I'm Bernie all the way but I can admit things ain't lookin so good
What would become of this country? I want to here Hillary supporters tell me their side. I was looking at her stances on policies and a lot were similar minus how she feels about.
My main problem with her is the fact she is a flip-flopper. I know Presidents are pushed into the white house by the few with billions but she's just so obvious with the way she goes about things. Taking money from them, saying what you want to hear but not enforcing those actions or even standing by them, she says disgusting things like "super predators" obviously referencing minorities.
She won't show fukking e-mails

emails, is a proven liar, will go to foreign countries and gets so trashed she falls on her head.
What is the appeal I'm not getting? Where do people find this woman trustworthy? what are her political accomplishments?