The Official Playstation 4 Thread - News and Info


May 1, 2012
Indie publisher and developer Curve has issued an official press release to declare its 'focus on PS4 development' following "the lack of independent support currently announced from Microsoft and the Xbox One."

Microsoft confirmed yesterday that Xbox One's online marketplace will not file games into discrete categories such as 'Xbox Live Arcade' or 'Indie Games', as was done on Xbox 360. Instead, all games will be listed in a unified games section, which may come as a disappointment to indie developers who hoped for a dedicated and more spotlighted indie platform on Microsoft's new console.

Sony, on the other hand, is loudly embracing the indie scene, pledging to revise its current digital publishing model in the hope of fostering increased support from indie studios and establish a more creative-driven platform.
"XBLA was a trailblazer last generation, so it's sad to see Microsoft not announcing dedicated support for independent developers on the Xbox One," said Curve managing director Jason Perkins.
"Sony's show of support for developers, including showing independent releases not only front and centre on their storefront but also during the PlayStation 4 reveal is creating a more open, co-operative market for independent games to enter the living room on a level playing field," he added.
Curve will also be offering its services to help get indies onto Sony platforms with assissting porting, exposure, and marketing.


May 6, 2012



#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
Just logged into my PSN account via the website to make sure it still worked. This should be an easy transition :whew: I even still had money left in my PSN wallet.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
War Thunder - the free-to-play action MMO about World War II aerial combat - was announced to be coming to the PS4 recently. Interestingly it's also one of the few third-party console exclusives, and won't be coming to Xbox One.

Gaijin Entertainment, the developer of War Thunder, has now praised Sony for its attitude towards game developers and in looking for new games and concepts for the PS4.

"Microsoft is a good partner of ours for a long time," started Gaijin's CEO Anton Yudintsev in an interview with PSLS, but added that "Sony is more open and more actively looking for new game concepts, new business models and new titles than Microsoft."

Yudintsev claimed that Sony was a better choice for War Thunder since the "PS4 is the most open platform, open to allow us to find a way that War Thunder players can get their game on cross-platform which is really cool and something the industry has lacked for years.

"Sony’s guys really want to help us to make great game for our players and that means a lot when you are making a game for any console."

Talking most specifically about developing for the PS4, Yudintsev said "we have discovered truly amazing features that perfectly fit our War Thunder MMO project," adding that despite the game's origins as a PC game it works just as well on the PS4.

"Because of the PS4′s features," said Yudintsev, "we are going to be able to develop a lot of really cool features that are not currently presented in our PC version which is in open beta. These features will be ready for PS4 players right from the start."

Interestingly Yudintsev also discussed how powerful the console is, even more so than current PCs, he claimed.

Greater visuals will be the key improvement for the PS4, and according to Yudintsev this will be the case for some time. "I don’t think that average PC will be as powerful in the near future," he said.

Meanwhile, "head tracking, native social features (like streaming) and some other fancy stuff mark the difference between the PS4 and PC versions."

It sounds like the PS4 version of War Thunder could be the one to go for, then. concepts.html


May 6, 2012


Knack looks really clean. I'm open to more 3d platformer games as this gen gamers really been acting immature and wanting only hardcore, dudebro shooters. There needs to be a balance. I hope they show more of it at E3 because the game was getting a lot of slack I think because of it's artstyle and people assuming they'd see a bloody pipe severing someone in half first when the show started.

Mark Cerny

went to high school at age 12

went to UC Berkeley at age 15

worked for Atari at age 17

made Marble Madness

worked on Sonic The Hedgehog 1 and 2.

worked on Disruptor

worked on the Crash Bandicoots

worked on the Spyro the Dragons

worked on the Jak and Daxters

worked on the Ratchet and Clanks

worked on Uncharted

worked on God Of War 3

worked on Killzone 3
Should be a nice game if he worked on all those games above and the OG crash bandicoot games were :ohlawd:. Jak and Daxter was amazing and Ratchet and Clank is criminally slept on.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
PS4's Development Environment Is Much More Mature Than Xbox One

Sony’s commitment to the humble developer has been pretty consistent over the past couple of months. While it made some major missteps with the PlayStation 3’s architecture, the company’s aiming to reverse those issues with the PlayStation 4. And, according to Avalanche Studios – who’s working on an unannounced next generation title – the system’s production environment is already way ahead of the Xbox One.

“The PS4 environment is definitely more mature currently,” chief technical officer Linus Blomberg told EDGE magazine. “Microsoft has some catching up to do.”

Blomberg added that the PS4 is more powerful on paper, but that it’s too early to call a winner in the technical stakes. A recent Digital Foundry report stated that Sony’s system is likely to be significantly more potent than Microsoft’s machine.

Regardless, the Swedish studio is excited about the advancements that the new consoles will bring. “Next generation to me has always meant more than nice graphics,” chief creative officer Christofer Sundberg said. “I don’t really see any big negatives at this point. For me, the success of the new consoles will be determined by how much freedom developers will have to make our gaming experiences customised for our fans.”

Avalanche is widely rumoured to be working on a new entry in the Just Cause franchise, which could make its debut as early as E3. Considering just how spectacular Just Cause 2 looked on the PS3, we’re eager to see what the studio can do on the PS4.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Talking Point: Sony's Aggressive Approach to PS4 Is Working Wonders

A leopard may not be able to change its spots, but that’s not stopped Sony from behaving like a brand new company over the past few months. Freed from the shackles of the PlayStation 3’s biggest blunders, the organisation appears refreshed and ready to reclaim its console crown. The hubris of its current generation endeavours have been pushed to the background, and replaced by an earnest desire to succeed. And if the firm continues on the trajectory that it’s currently tracking, then there’s real reason to believe that the PlayStation 4 can launch on the front foot.

The culmination of its renewed strategy can be best observed over the past seven days. With its closest competitor Microsoft counting down the hours to the Xbox One’s reveal, we’d already dedicated a number of articles to the importance of Sony stealing back some mindshare. But in the end, the company did a better job than we’d ever imagined, and all without wheeling out a single arrogant quote such as “the next generation starts when we say so”. Instead, it recognised the threat that its closest competitor posed, and reacted appropriately.

And that response was calculated, coordinated, and above all else, well planned. At the very start of the week, it deployed a trailer teasing the system’s chassis. While far from a work of art, the video had the desired effect, shooting straight to the top of the Twitter trending list and forcing the mainstream media to take notice on the eve of Microsoft’s massive reveal. It then purchased a slew of online ads across a number of gaming sites, designed to steal the attention away from the inevitable Xbox One coverage. And finally, it threw Europeans an Xbone [ahem – Ed] by pretty much confirming the console for a 2013 release by including the date in a newspaper promotion.

But there’s more to the strategy than we’ve seen over the past seven days. Learning from its rival, the company also appears to be going out of its way to associate its next generation platform with third-party brands. The latest Destiny trailer, for example, put the PS4 front and centre, and also confirmed that the Bungie developed title will get its first gameplay airing during Sony’s E3 press conference next month. The company’s also partnered with Ubisoft and Watch Dogs, securing exclusive additional content for the new title.

And these are outrageously smart choices. While this week’s reveal event confirmed that Microsoft is largely sticking with the tried and tested – Call of Duty and FIFA at this moment in time – it’s clear that the PlayStation maker is banking on the next big thing. Destiny may still have a lot to prove, but is anyone really willing to bet against the creators of Halo? By aligning its platform alongside the franchise early, the company has the opportunity to ‘own’ that fanbase much like the Xbox currently dominates Call of Duty. And if the series takes off in the manner that Activision clearly expects it to, that could yet prove a shrewd move for Sony. The same applies to Watch Dogs.

But it doesn’t stop there, either. Courting indie studios in such an aggressive manner has also paid off for the platform holder, with smaller studios tripping over themselves to get their wares on the new machine. The openness of the company’s developer outreach will not only help to enhance the catalogue of content available on the next generation system, but it’s proving a positive tool from a publicity stance. The buzz on Twitter and message boards surrounding the PS4 is incredibly positive, and that’s partially fuelled by the goodwill that the platform holder’s built up within the development community.

And, of course, it doesn’t hurt that Sony’s ending the current generation with a bang, while the Xbox 360 seems set to fizzle out with a whimper. The company’s efforts to bring a steady stream of first-party content to its existing system have built up expectations for the coming years, and when you consider that the firm’s Worldwide Studios has actually expanded exponentially – with many studios splitting into multiple teams – it’s easy to see where the anticipation is coming from.

Most excitingly, this all represents a marked change from the early days of the PS3. Back then the console arrived to the market late, lacked content, and carried a borderline offensive price point. But worse still, Sony seemed to have the outlook that none of this mattered, and that it would win the generation on the foundations of its brand alone. It faced some tough challenges, but its handling of the PS4 thus far proves that it’s learned. There’s a long, long way to go yet, but at this point in time, it’s hard not to feel a little pang of satisfaction at the prospect that the Japanese giant has changed. Let’s just hope that the firm maintains its current course, and kicks the coming hardware transition off in style.


May 6, 2012
Wow only 13 days?? Damn it, it's going to be a bloodbath on these forums. I like it because Sony shows their stuff afterwards so everyone can get their laughter which will hold us over for a few hours and then at 9PM EST, the real feast starts.

last year it was The Last of Us, I REALLY wonder what new IP or game they will show this year?? The wait is killing me softly like Lauren Hill.