Spilled beer on my mac a week ago..i've accepted it a wrap for the computer, i'm trying to see if i can salvage anything off the harddrive today...all my damn pics are on it, and I never backed up the edited pics folder... i fuked up big time...about to get another one today or tomorrow, fukin 2g's down the drain
Spilled beer on my mac a week ago..i've accepted it a wrap for the computer, i'm trying to see if i can salvage anything off the harddrive today...all my damn pics are on it, and I never backed up the edited pics folder... i fuked up big time...about to get another one today or tomorrow, fukin 2g's down the drain
external harddrive
Last time I backed up my pics were about 2 months ago. I should back up again.
Thats actually would be scary as shyt if I lost all my pics.
One of the reasons you should get a flickr pro account. It keeps the full res file of all the pics you upload.