Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
Billie Piper
I liked the premiere. They set up the witch being the big bad this season nicely and she is definitely
The show remains gorgeous to look at.
Caliban got himself a new job and a bride , but it seemed like Dr. Frankenstein might want her for himself. He was getting awfully touchy with her .
We know Josh Hartnett is a wolf man, but he definitely has religion in his past. He knew about the Devil language and last season he was the one who used the exorcism on Vanessa.
We know Josh Hartnett is a wolf man, but he definitely has religion in his past. He knew about the Devil language and last season he was the one who used the exorcism on Vanessa.
I was like "Nah, they aren't gonna do that..." and then they did itScene between caliban and ives was great as expected. They are the hilight of the show so it was nice the writers gave them interaction together.
Those witches are demonic as fukk. Jesus. Wasnt ready for that baby disection like it was a frog in science class.