Its a crime that outside of ranked players are forced to start with the AR and Pistol combo, especially those that love BTB. This ain’t the H1 or H5 pistol. I get they want players to scavenge and use the sandbox, but at the cost of what? Accuracy? Self defense?
They tried appealing to the MLG hardcore crowd in H5 and y'all cried talmbout this don't feel like Halo.
back to the Infinite pistol. It’s not good. It has bloom. It takes too many shots to kill. The magazine is small. It has bloom. It has bloom.
These maps are trash. Feel like cod maps.
halo 5 doesn’t feel like halo. Regardless of audience. If it wasn’t named halo it would have been a good thing in its own right. That’s why they abandoned a lot from that game, down to the art style. Infinite feels like a healthy progression from halo 3. It feels and looks like halo
back to the Infinite pistol. It’s not good. It has bloom. It takes too many shots to kill. The magazine is small. It has bloom. It has bloom.
no other shooter out there limits a players ability regardless if playlist. Halo games shouldn’t have players starting with guns that aren’t accurate at close to medium range. Look at BTB, a casual players home, yet they gotta run around with an AR/Pistol. On those big ass maps. That shyt is nuts lol.
back to the Infinite pistol. It’s not good. It has bloom. It takes too many shots to kill. The magazine is small. It has bloom. It has bloom.
Halo games shouldn’t players starting with guns that aren’t accurate at close to medium range. Look at BTB, a casual players home, yet they gotta run around with an AR/Pistol. On those big ass maps. That shyt is nuts lol.
I Just wanna play halo all day like it’s 2004 again…..but these damn responsibilities
Takes me back to when I was young staying up playing Halo 2 and 3 while my other games were collecting dust.It's 1:45 in the morning and I'm playing Halo again. I didn't think I'd be doing that again but here I am. I'm so fukking happy. They've restored the feeling.
Facts. You couldn't be more correct. Infinite have that Halo 3 feels where you start with AR/weak pistol start, (you was just complaining about this). Infinite also brought equipment back (which Halo 5 got rid of). Infinite restoring the feelings, even got players (you) making the same prominent complaints that Halo 3 had(complaint about starting weapons and weapon balancing).
"It didn't feel like Halo" is such a blank statement. If starting with H5 pistol, arena style maps, emphasis on power weapons control, didn't feel like Halo then I don't what is.
BuT tHaT wHaT hALo FeEls LIKe. HaLo 2 and 3 HaD sImILaR WeAPoNS Start. iF 343 BufF tHe PiStOl iT wOuLd FeEl LiKe HaLo 5 WhICh DiDnT FeEl LikE HaLo. Apparently.
Go play Halo 5 if your want good starting weapons.
Ima have to get an Xbox@ItWasWritten what do you think from playing?