There was a moderate push to make the Danny Rand character be played by an actual Asian actor, which in my opinion would've been the right move. You got your two Cacs in Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones. Luke Cage was a refreshing, semi-brilliantly presented change of pace with an AUTHENTIC viewpoint of African American culture. Do we REALLY need another white rich kid with parent issues who somehow someway finds himself gifted with powers? How much more white culture do we need? And on top of that Asian cultural appropriation is used for said white man's hero journey?
It would've been much more interesting, much more AUTHENTIC to have an actual Asian actor ported Iron Fist. Hell, even an Asian American actor, with an Asian show runner. Give us something that FEELS different, mystical, grandiose.
Danny Rand IS a rich white kid with parent issues. That's how he was written from day one. What are y'all even talking about?
There are actually a few Asian characters from Marvel who could warrant their own series in the future. Support those characters in other mediums so they can get a push. Don't demand they change the narrative because u woke up one morning and decided it should be changed to something u approve of. Because Danny Rand, rich white kid stuck in the mountains, the only white kid in a hidden city full of asians, the immortal iron fist, is a dope fukking story when it's told right. In part because it takes the time to acknowledge how ridiculous it is that off all those people, Danny is the one who is granted the power of the dragon (just wait for Davos to hit the scene).
Did u know 98% of the people, outside of 2, who attained the power of the iron fist are Asian? Did u know that if u just wait and let them tell the story, those ppl are likely to be integrated into the legend? There have been over 30 Iron Fists. 2 of them are white. And the reason for it is eventually explained.
Or y'all just complaining to have something to say?