fSociety member sittin in a filthy apartment....sweatin bullets while eatin one of the GOAT cereals.....
Tyrell still don't know his wife is
?....where's the baby?....
next weeks ep....
They said they let the baby go into the system, Dom's FBI partner/Dark Army informant was like they couldn't risk anyone finding out about Joanna's death
The episode set things up nicely for next week, which looks to be crazy based on the preview
Whatever Darlene's plan is I hope she makes it out for Elliot's sake, but I'm not optimistic
Darlene peeping Angela meeting up with Mr. Robot
Tyrell stays having hissy fits and needing Bobby Bar-B-Que to talk him down and put the battery in his back. Dude just works to eat some delicious ribs, watch Big Brother and work on his novel, but now he has to check on Euro Jolie
Beta willing to do whatever it takes now, including drugging her friend if it means White Rose hacks time for her
. With so many characters on the show driven and forged by what happened to them as kids, I wonder what type of childhood White Rose had
"Never trust a man's better instinct, he might not have one."