So you think AKA and DC conspired to taint Jon Jones somehow?
IMO that just requires a massive leap in logic.
Again, I apply Ocham's Razor to most things. In absence of more evidence, the simplest explanation is the most plausible.
This theory requires that DC and AKA would be willing to risk their entire careers, as well as possible serious legal ramifications in order to do this. It requires Jones and his team to leave their stuff unattended, and it requires that DC and AKA would have been able to spike something they know he would drink. Plus a half a dozen other things would need to happen for this to be possible.
For Jones to have actually cheated, all he would have had to do is decide that it was worth it to take a PED. That's it. And this is a guy that has demonstrated that he makes questionable decisions fairly often.
I know it seems like I'm hating on Jones, but I'm just disappointed as a fan of his and of MMA.