How have they ruined the sport if they wanna keep fighters safe and fights as fair as possible? Its easy to say this as a fan but imagine if you were a fighter yourself competing against a fighter on PEDs.. you'd think it was unfair - your opponent comes into the fight more ripped than you because hes had more time to train (because PEDs = shorter recovery time from exercise) , hes got more energy than you .. its just all around unfair. It benefits guys like Jones more because he trains a lot.
Its also unsafe for the user because especially in combat sports you should know that using PEDs can put you at risk of internal bleeding (particularly your brain) and it fukks up your liver. Yeah yall may not like it but its for Jones' own good that hes suspended (IF HE USED IT).. last thing we wanna hear in the future is another athlete dying from liver/heart failure
First of all they're already all on steroids. Roids have been a big part of the sport since UFC 1 in 1993 (see Ken Shamrock). Secondly, no one has died from a steroid induced Kamehameha

, PED's are primarily for recovery, stamina and better preparation (the roid Anderson Silva popped for helped him get lean and tehrefore able to cut to 185 lbs easier) not necessarily for brute strength.
The sport was never clean, and never will be, plenty of guys smarter than Jones (like McGregor and Tyron Woodley) are on expensive designer roids that are years ahead of the tests and have their cycles LOCKED in. Top guys will always use, only thing now is less wealthy fighters and talented but stupid fighters like Jones are going to get pulled from events and remain out of action for several years. Some guys are more vulnerable now like Weidman who just gave up on roiding and is now getting brutally KO'd left and right by other roided guys he would have been competitive with pre-USADA. It's a sport killer. Rugby, NFL, boxing and any other contact sport you may enjoy would all die horrible deaths under the USADA deal - FACT.