The Official Los Angeles (County) Discussion Thread


Feb 13, 2013
coLT$, kAkALAk

Insun Park

Fukk Em
Aug 4, 2015
Had a conversation on Facebook with a Mexican about Mexicans and their opinion on white and black people

Me:" Heard you say you were Latino and was curious about what old brown people think about whites"

Mexican:" Gotcha, to be honest, I'm not 100% sure. It seems that they don't really have an opinion on white people. They don't "hate" white folks at all.

Maybe things would have been different if they hadn't been successful. My parents had all the odds against them. My dad crossed into the US Illegally and worked in Oregon with a white rancher for a while and he accumulated money and managed to funnel it into other ventures (not profitable at first). My mom ran away with him at 18 years old (after my father left oregon, and lived in cali) had my oldest sister and they were dirt poor, didn't have much to their name. My dad said he would even drive a taxi if it meant supporting his family.

Father went to prison after a while for something stupid, and my mom was left alone in her early 20's with me and my sister under 5 years old, close to losing her house, she rented evey room out, and now that I'm older she has told me that she could've easily gone on welfare, but she's too prideful for that and barely scraped by and managed to keep the house. Her dad is rich, but again, she didn't ask for help as she's too prideful.

Long story short, it all worked out in the end and with hard work and determination my parents managed to do REALLy well for themselves (pulling 300k+ a year)

What I'm trying to get at, is that they worked hard to get where they're at. No one really helped them that much and no one held them back at all. I'm guessing by you asking me about their opinion on white people, is because of the current BS race relations in America. They worked as individuals and worked for themselves, no handouts, no easy way in, just old school hard work, without caring about what other people did with their lives, they just worried about their own well being.However... my dad was racist AF against blacks."

Me: "What's his beef with blacks? Is it one of those west coast prison ordeals?"

Mexican: "Plainly put it's just racism. He just doesn't like blacks. It's an old school Mexican thing. Some of my friends whose parents are from mexico as well don't like blacks either. It's a previous generation thing, and the fact that it's people from small ranches/towns (under 1k population) My dad was straight from the mountains of mexico"

I messaged him after I read him say his father would kill his daughter and her boyfriend if his daughter dated or married a black person

This clowns ancestors were conquered and oppressed by whites yet he loves whites. Meanwhile, blacks have done nothing to Mexicans to warrant hate


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
Had a conversation on Facebook with a Mexican about Mexicans and their opinion on white and black people

Me:" Heard you say you were Latino and was curious about what old brown people think about whites"

Mexican:" Gotcha, to be honest, I'm not 100% sure. It seems that they don't really have an opinion on white people. They don't "hate" white folks at all.

Maybe things would have been different if they hadn't been successful. My parents had all the odds against them. My dad crossed into the US Illegally and worked in Oregon with a white rancher for a while and he accumulated money and managed to funnel it into other ventures (not profitable at first). My mom ran away with him at 18 years old (after my father left oregon, and lived in cali) had my oldest sister and they were dirt poor, didn't have much to their name. My dad said he would even drive a taxi if it meant supporting his family.

Father went to prison after a while for something stupid, and my mom was left alone in her early 20's with me and my sister under 5 years old, close to losing her house, she rented evey room out, and now that I'm older she has told me that she could've easily gone on welfare, but she's too prideful for that and barely scraped by and managed to keep the house. Her dad is rich, but again, she didn't ask for help as she's too prideful.

Long story short, it all worked out in the end and with hard work and determination my parents managed to do REALLy well for themselves (pulling 300k+ a year)

What I'm trying to get at, is that they worked hard to get where they're at. No one really helped them that much and no one held them back at all. I'm guessing by you asking me about their opinion on white people, is because of the current BS race relations in America. They worked as individuals and worked for themselves, no handouts, no easy way in, just old school hard work, without caring about what other people did with their lives, they just worried about their own well being.However... my dad was racist AF against blacks."

Me: "What's his beef with blacks? Is it one of those west coast prison ordeals?"

Mexican: "Plainly put it's just racism. He just doesn't like blacks. It's an old school Mexican thing. Some of my friends whose parents are from mexico as well don't like blacks either. It's a previous generation thing, and the fact that it's people from small ranches/towns (under 1k population) My dad was straight from the mountains of mexico"

I messaged him after I read him say his father would kill his daughter and her boyfriend if his daughter dated or married a black person

This clowns ancestors were conquered and oppressed by whites yet he loves whites. Meanwhile, blacks have done nothing to Mexicans to warrant hate
Beaners ain't shyt


Jun 21, 2015
This part of the forum seems to be trying to find any and every way to slight black Americans lately... Very interesting :jbhmm:


Dec 24, 2014
Mexican is Indian and spanish

There are Black people there so it's African too. This emphasizing of the country's indigenous and spanish ancestry and negligence of its African roots is what get muthaphuckas killed.
Feb 5, 2016
There are Black people there so it's African too. This emphasizing of the country's indigenous and spanish ancestry and negligence of its African roots is what get muthaphuckas killed.
It's less than one percentage point and those folks mixed with Indian and black..there not one hundred percent African like in dr and pr

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
This clowns ancestors were conquered and oppressed by whites yet he loves whites. Meanwhile, blacks have done nothing to Mexicans to warrant hate
And mexicans was getting lynched back in the 1910s-1920s.

I hate when non-black POC think everything is sweet just cause white people haven't done a thing to them. I see racism from Mexicans here...mainly the older generation though. Their kids seem to have no problems associating with blacks and other peoples.

I hang out with Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans and they some of the most knowledge coolest cats I've met...two of them even told me the openely are racist against white people.
Especially my Puerto Rican peeps.

My dude who's rican told me the reason they have the PR day parade was because up until the 1920s, it was ILLEGAL for Puerto Ricans to hang up Puerto Rican flags in NYC. LAter on they got that ban was lifted.

I general, I realize Hispanics/Latinos have some sort of affinity for Europeans....but it's weird cause there's African roots in their somewhere and Taino/Indian roots, but it's never acknowledged.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Whites turning the heat up now we have to deal with these people as well and those racist ass Asians/Indians

Scary times for black people in America
I realize they just don't understand white supremacy like black people do since we've had to battle it so much. Their hate shouldn't be directed towards really should be directed at the white people that oppress them directly and indirectly. It seems many don't even get a proper understanding of American history as to why black people are in the position they in.

That whole "model minority" thing is basically them getting used by white supremacy.

I'm just happy the Asians and Indians I fukks with atleast have some awareness of racism. Race wise in general I don't care to hang out with ignorant people, and I've been seeing reallyu great insights on race and racism from Asian and Indian writers...especially in the past couple of months.

This one asian guy wrote a brilliant article about how Daniel Holtzclaw and Peter Liang's court trials were not victories. The basic point of the essay is they couldn't try to use white supremacy when they and blacks in general are still under the racist microscope of America.