i'm a fan of the pod but I don't understand this argument. Does a business not have a right to pay someone what they think they're worth to them? Some of y'all acting like spotify and budden go way back and they should be looking out for them. Spotify is all data collection, the very thing joe spoke about on this pod for the past two years. If spotify doesn't feel justified with the numbers JBP is putting up it's not lowballing, it's business. I thought the same with Monique, if netflix doesn't see people subscribing to their service to watch her stand up (and let's be real, before this whole fiasco no one was checking for monique like that outside the people who already know her) why does she deserve X amount of money?
Can you imagine opening up a business and someone comes to interview for you and they say they want X salary, you say, "I don't think we can do that for you, it doesn't make sense for us", you're in the wrong? The better strategy for me as always been get your foot in the door prove your worth than leverage it by using other offers. Monique didn't have another multi-million dollar offer on the table and it doesn't seem like JBP does either at the moment.
Sometimes I wonder if it's Ian who isn't a great manager or it's Joe that can't be managed. Either way it seems like they've talked themselves out of a lot of bags in the last few years.