My auntie who is a lawyers told me what she thought happen and this what she said . " I don't believe she was shot out side of that car im not seeing it on video and if it happen it was in the car that she was shot . In fact she said she was in the passenger seat of the car in her explanation video. In the video I looked at she got out the seat BEHIND the passenger seat. It's also only blood patterns on the pavement when the police ask her to step out the vehicle in the video that I can see . When you listen to her video she said "everybody was arguing ' I was in the front seat Tory was in the back seat ...what was they arguing over ? How did he shoot you from the back seat of the car if in the video YOUR in the back seat . I would like to see this whole video but it just dosent add up. I think what happend somebody in that car was tussling with that gun and it went off and this young lady was shot in her feet which is very possible. The biggest (?) is when she said "WHEN WE GOT OUT THE CAR ' who is we ?. She lying and leaving out details. I like to be in court for this one . In the story she is telling she get out the car twice"
But yall know what it is believe a women just cause she is women .. My aunt said more but ill leave it at that . My aunt dosent believe meg is as innocent as she makes herself out to be. here is the video my aunt was talking about im pretty sure some of yall have seen it tho. First megs story then the video ...