Damn they had another roast around being in the slow classes. Even got Ish repeating the chicken nuggie joke. Only remember cause I was watching that comp yesterday.
Because before slavery African, Indonesian, Melanesian, Malagasy ppl, and east Indians, West Asians populated the world this way.Yep, i a garuntee her 23 and me test would come back similar, i know a lot of chicks from places like Guyana and and Belize that look like this, people think if they got braids and brown skin they black, but a lot of darker indians pass as black especially since they grow up around other black ethnic groups
A 23andMe DNA test taken by Vashtie stated that her genetic ancestry is:
That Breezus Christ
@satam55 @CrimsonTider Boy got so many under the radar/overlooked classic throwaways
He played itWhat does that track have to do with The Joe Budden Podcast?