It wouldnt have benefited Shannon to put it on Patreon because his audience isnt based on patreon subs. Patreon is for hardcore fans.
Also if the clips stuff worked to get patreon subs, Joe and Ian wouldve been moved the entire pod behind patreon. They havent because it isnt sustainable.
We also dont know what Shannon's deal is with The Volume as far as youtube stuff or other deals. I'll give you an example. Gilbert Arenas has Gil's Arena. He has a contract with Underdog where he leases his channel to them. He has a contract that Underdog must pay him $1 per sub he gets while they are in partnership. Shannon could have a similar deal set up with Draft Kings or the Volume. This Katt interview also helped his other vids get millions of views. The steve harvey interview got a 1M+ bump.
You greatly overestimate how easy it is to get patreon subs. How would shannon get 100-200k patreon subs when the top patreon podcast who have put years making a fanbase havent cracked 100k? Highest is 75k and they have a 30k diff on 2nd place.
There is no math that says patreon wouldve worked because you are basing it on bad numbers of the Katt vid. That's like a rapper/singer saying their album should sell 500k first week because they basing it on having 50M ig followers. We've seen time and time again those numbers mean nothing when it comes time for fans to actually put up money.
The marketing ALONE is worth whatever pennies he wouldve gotten off this interview on patreon.