I just pointed out that it isn't valid and you doubled down
the more you distort this conflict with double speak and loaded language only further delegitimizes it
"bidenegro" you've gotta be cac to be this lost
No you didn't, you made a wrong statement
"It" being "delegitimized" by apartheid loving zionists like yourself and Biden doesn't make it delegitimized, the vast majority of the world is siding with the Palestinians and this movement, can't stop it, can't discredit it
Check the thread in the other forum

you the apartheid lover of everything Israel. You sure YOU ain't a cac? You don't look like one of those black pentecostal "Sky Daddy returns if Israel nukes Gaza completely and takes over the Mount" believers, and you too dumb to even pretend that you have a chance of being the next Clyburn, no matter how much you lick Israel's taint