
May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
That $6 billion is irrelevant. This was planned well before that.

You are right that the "Axis of the Resistance" (Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, etc) blessed this though.

Hamas are imbeciles but are not that stupid. They know very well that no other Arab country will join in the fight. Even Hezbollah won't get on board, because they want to keep their arsenals and men for when the "real fight" starts, e.g. Israel attacking Lebanon.

This operation, to me, has really some clear goals and objectives: First to show that Israel is not prepared. Israel hasn't entered into a 'State of War' like this since 1973. And in 1973 they were surprised by Egypt.

Israel boasts a superior Air Force, unlimited support from the West and its nuclear weapons, of course. Apart from that Israelis are not the mythical Supermen that the MSM constantly rejoices about.

Second, to expose Saudi Arabia's MBS as a big piece of crap in the eyes of the Arabs. The Arab world will also rejoice at anything done to the Israelis, executions, kidnapping, etc... Seeing how the holy sites at Al-Aqsa are constantly desecrated by Israel why no one is saying or doing anything. Why wouldn't they?

Third, Palestinians are killed on a daily basis by Israelis, with total impunity. Gaza continues to be an open-air prison and the West Bank is under control of both Israel and the totally corrupt PA.

So, what do these Palestinian militants lose in staging this, more or less, suicidal attack? Nothing really, absolutely nothing. In fact they only gain a shaking of the status quo, and also demonstrating to the world that a determined force, with the help of the new "super weapon" that is the Drone, can create some new realities on the ground.

Hamas is not Hezbollah and will abandon the settlements and areas of Israel they have broached into. They don't have the capabilities to do an insurgency.

Israel won't invade Gaza. They don't want to lose soldiers needlessly.

Probably 5,000-10,000 Palestinians will die because of this with big aerial bombings (in addition to the hundreds of Israelis dead today). And its sad.

The $ isn't irrelevant...its literally allowing Iran to fund a lot of this nonsense. Whether directly or by shifting budget allocations.

MBS isnt going anywhere, hes gaining more power. :what:

You think they have nothing to lose? :what: x 100

Gaza and the West Bank might cease to exist after this war. Israel doesn't need to invade anymore...they can level the entire region and not have the world think twice after todays events.

You really downplaying 10k Palestinians dying so Hamas can kill 100 people? Keep hustling backwards.

Todays events give Israel a free pass to do whatever the fukk they want. Palestinians will be in a far worse spot than they already were before the day started. :what:


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
The $ isn't irrelevant...its literally allowing Iran to fund a lot of this nonsense. Whether directly or by shifting budget allocations.

MBS isnt going anywhere, hes gaining more power. :what:

You think they have nothing to lose? :what: x 100

Gaza and the West Bank might cease to exist after this war. Israel doesn't need to invade anymore...they can level the entire region and not have the world think twice after todays events.

You really downplaying 10k Palestinians dying so Hamas can kill 100 people? Keep hustling backwards.

Todays events give Israel a free pass to do whatever the fukk they want. Palestinians will be in a far worse spot than they already were before the day started. :what:
It is irrelevant. The money isn't even money we're giving them. Its their money that's been unfrozen for sanctions and they're in accounts in Qatar (a client state of ours with our eyes all over the banks) and the money is only to be used for food, medicine, etc.

The Iranians have benefitted from the informal loosening of oil sanctions. The Chinese and Indians have been giving them the hard currency to get their partners aid all over the place. That is true. And higher oil prices in 2022 were a boon.

And I don't disagree with you on the rest. That's the reality of the situation.

But more shid will happen until the Israelis forcefully remove the Palestinians from the river to the sea or there's a sustainable peace.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
It's kind of crazy seeing war propaganda adapt to the times, specially since the war in Ukraine started. Regardless of how this Hamas came to be (I honestly have no fukking clue and might believe whatever theory is thrown my way), these dudes have 1080p videos on deck with "epic music" as soundtrack not 24 hours after the attack :dwillhuh: :mindblown:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It's kind of crazy seeing war propaganda adapt to the times, specially since the war in Ukraine started. Regardless of how this Hamas came to be (I honestly have no fukking clue and might believe whatever theory is thrown my way), these dudes have 1080p videos on deck with "epic music" as soundtrack not 24 hours after the attack :dwillhuh: :mindblown:
You late. This been happening for at least a decade since ISIS.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
The moment the Palestinians admit they were conquered decades ago, the sooner we can move on with actual peace. :manny:

Hamas is hurting them rather than helping them. Wether they are a ploy of the Israeli government to build up Israeli military or not is irrelevant at this point. What's relevant is that since Hamas has been in power, Palestinians have lost big in every facet of society.

If Saudi and Israel normalize relations, I'm not worried about the new sets of problems on the Arabian peninsula. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Israel being friendly is more than enough for that region.

But they have.

The problem, clear to all but the most truest of believers, is what comes next.

You've defeated them. They know this.

So are you going to give them their own land, a Lil something something, the most minimal of concessions to allow for some semblance of independence and sovereignty that can somewhat be In line with the aims of the original intention (partition)? A few crumbs off the table to allow for the possibility of peaceful co existence moving forward?

Nope, Israel won't do that

OK then will you, having conquered them and having full control of the land, river to the sea, have you proposed some form of co existence under full Israeli sovereignty that comes even somewhat close to full democratic and civil rights?

Nope, won't do that either

You picked Option C, perpetual military occupation. You disguise it for the dummies by turning on the PA puppet show for them.

Having chosen Option C, respectfully shut the fukk up and deal with a population EQUAL IN SIZE to yours, that you have decided to keep under perpetual military occupation

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
But they have.

The problem, clear to all but the most truest of believers, is what comes next.

You've defeated them. They know this.

So are you going to give them their own land, a Lil something something, the most minimal of concessions to allow for some semblance of independence and sovereignty that can somewhat be In line with the aims of the original intention (partition)? A few crumbs off the table to allow for the possibility of peaceful co existence moving forward?

Nope, Israel won't do that

OK then will you, having conquered them and having full control of the land, river to the sea, have you proposed some form of co existence under full Israeli sovereignty that comes even somewhat close to full democratic and civil rights?

Nope, won't do that either

You picked Option C, perpetual military occupation. You disguise it for the dummies by turning on the PA puppet show for them.

Having chosen Option C, respectfully shut the fukk up and deal with a population EQUAL IN SIZE to yours, that you have decided to keep under perpetual military occupation

I feel you. But the equal population size means nothing when you're so technologically inferior. The fire power and training of one IDF solider is equal to that of potentially 4-5 HAMAS and 10+ Palestine civilians. Numbers are irrelevant here.

I've usually been pro-Palestine, but you CANNOT bomb innocent people in concert halls and festivals and expect the world to be on your side. Flat out. These weren't hardened military or even state targets.

Israel now has a full blown casus belli to wipe Gaza off the map and take it over completely. HAMAS has basically signed the Palestinian state's death warrant.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
But they have.

The problem, clear to all but the most truest of believers, is what comes next.

You've defeated them. They know this.

So are you going to give them their own land, a Lil something something, the most minimal of concessions to allow for some semblance of independence and sovereignty that can somewhat be In line with the aims of the original intention (partition)? A few crumbs off the table to allow for the possibility of peaceful co existence moving forward?

Nope, Israel won't do that

OK then will you, having conquered them and having full control of the land, river to the sea, have you proposed some form of co existence under full Israeli sovereignty that comes even somewhat close to full democratic and civil rights?

Nope, won't do that either

You picked Option C, perpetual military occupation. You disguise it for the dummies by turning on the PA puppet show for them.

Having chosen Option C, respectfully shut the fukk up and deal with a population EQUAL IN SIZE to yours, that you have decided to keep under perpetual military occupation
Look, I think people knew SOMETHING like this would happen but this is just unreal...HAMAS is just clearing out bunkers like trained militiamen. This is UNREAL.

Like...whats about to happen is going to functionally eradicate any future hope for a Palestinian state or entity and NO ONE will save them. Not Iran. Not Hezbollah. Nothing. If anything, they might just collapse the whole fukking zone.