state objectives and military objectives aren't always the same, sequenced, etc. our state objectives and military objectives didn't even talk in afghanistan for example lol....
but IDF probably keeps pushing the invasion back because their command is seeing more and more clearly exactly how ate up and unorganized their elements are as they continue to stage. i'd be shocked if they even have an efficient way to activate and ingest such a surge of reservists too. there's levels to this stuff. and i guarantee at some point during this process, they looked up at ukraine's military then back at their own forces and said "why is this so different?"
bomb shyt, pat themselves on the back. give yourself a medal. also, they've never missed ever. - when any actual combined effort happens, its going to be a *bad* time to have growing pains and course correct under fire.
I would argue the Israelis are much more unified re: state and military objectives/strategy then US could ever be. And it makes sense. We have the luxury of being a super power surrounded by friends. Israel is powerful no doubt but has a history of conflict w/ neighbors. They have a militarized culture/society so all of their political leaders have had that experience.
I think the invasion is being held up due to political considerations more than anything else. As I said they were going to be given wide latitude in opening days/weeks. Biden visiting changed everything. It would've been a huge slap in his face to go forward at that point. At that point they needed to give him a public "win." Beginning the invasion the day or even days after he leaves is also a non-starter for the same reasons.
This lull is going to be used for the IDF to be able to say "see look we didn't go in even when we could have, we gave them chances to return hostages and let the civilians move to safer areas, we asked the Egyptians to let civilians in temporarily but they refused....etc etc."
It doesn't matter how true any of this is, the point is that it will be seen as sufficient justification.
Everything we've learned so far about the early warnings and lack of preparations etc should let you know that Bibi isn't going to be deterred by high IDF casualties

This dude is thinking about his own personal/political future/legacy and wants to go down as the leader who was toughest on Palestinians and managed to appropriate as much land as possible.
There is a ZERO percent chance that invasion is not going to happen or that they're going to be deterred by high casualties. They're going to go in with overwhelming force, block by block initially along the existing border. The comparison to Ukraine is very misguided breh. Anybody still there is going to be killed, the buildings will be demolished and essentially a new border will be created, with Israel claiming that area as an additional "buffer zone." Whatever military assets existed along the old border will probably just be moved further west, giving them additional land to build more settlements if they want.