For the first time last night, I went to war with some other Coli members. It was epic.

Me, DavieDave, and I can't remember the other guys name, against like 3-4 white boys. At first the crew ran up on me like they was gonna take me out. So I was like

and hit em with the bro love gesture. Then we started puttin in work together. This one faq, Shyishi of Myth started sending me personal messages after I went up on him 4-2. Talking about how I'm a scrub who probably uses auto aim. So I was like

, I'ma really make him mad. That's when I got my tank and just crush the buildings. Killed him like 4 more times (and a whole bunch of others). Finally, my tank blue up from running over cars. So I hop in another whip, drive a good distance away from the battle, and go in passive mode in an alley so I can use the bath room. When I come back, that same faq is trying to run me over.

So I regroup with my Coli bruhs,and go back active. I killed his ass with damn near ever weapon, pistol, shotgun, grenade, sticky, MG, sniper rifle, etc. faq would charge me, I would drop a sticky, run around 2 corners, and then switch to my gun. He would start blazing on me, I just detonate. I ended up going like 21-8 on him.

This furious cac messaged me for about 20 minutes after I left, talking about how we (Coli crew) ganged up on him, he owned the other crew members, making racial jokes, and how he is statistically better (even though I owned him)

. I just kept hitting him with

, told him he was my bytch, and eventually put his lame ass on block. But those tears of his tasted mighty good.