Rap Guerilla
More Coli brehs rocking this on fukkin ps3 than xbone?
SMH yall telling me imma have to plug in my old ass ps3 to get heists poppin with coli brehs ?![]()
or you could get on the PS4, cuz its mad heads from here playing on PS4.
More Coli brehs rocking this on fukkin ps3 than xbone?
SMH yall telling me imma have to plug in my old ass ps3 to get heists poppin with coli brehs ?![]()
My thing is Rockstar KNEW this was gonna happen. Hell, I knew this was gonna happen. They should not have released until they worked out all the kinks and the servers were gonna be able to handle the millions of people all over the world trying to get in on these heists we have been waiting on forever. I am highly disappointed but I am not shocked this happen. I knew it would. I only go to try one "setup" the prison one. No one was talking or working together. Dude died and I left. I will wait to play with my friends. I wanna act like we really doing the damn thang and have to communicate to each other to get this money.
I tried with another friend and we both got kicked out of the mission. I wonder if he lost his money. I don't like how you have to put up money but I guess. Those bullet proof Karinas? OFFICIAL. Getting that. I got to drive my friends. They zip. Windows bullet proof and it looks real nice. I can't wait to get one but they said I have to finish the first heist to unlock it. It's cheap too I can't wait. I like the new clothes. Nice change up. But wtf they do to my girls face. She looks different now. Face all tight and funny looking. I was just admiring her beauty yesterday and then update BAM da fucc. One of my friends said his dude was looking older too.
I went and changed for heists in my official gear but when I did the one mission they made me wear something else. WTF. I wanna wear what I pick damn it lol.
the drill wasn't difficult, but I was having a ridiculously hard time doing the circuits for that flecca bank. we just sitting outside the joint with ski mask on in an armored car like![]()
Is the prison break part of the 1st heist?
fukk...I hope I didn't mess up
What's the 1st one
Do you get the armored car after the 1st heist?
O y'all finally completed that heist?I know, that is the most dumbest shyt ever to do here... Especially when teamwork is needed....![]()
Put a bullet in your teammates head and call crakface on the cellwhat do you have to do as the hacker in the first heist? cuz neither of the ppl I was with yesterday could do it before we got to the bank.....
lol. The circuits weren't bad once I started using the control pad to turn it instead of the joystick. R* with thetrying to add that tiny gap for you to try to get through on circuit #2 or #3
Can you play the heists multiple times?
People were inviting me to the prison break & the bank one...I didn't know which one was 1st so I just can go back and do any heists after you complete all of them