Breh, stop it. That's as ridiculous as;
He's not a hypocrite, he's just human.
There's having standard you adhere to and keepin' your bias at home, then there's flip-flooping.
I don't know if you saw his commentary on Jim Irsays drug situation, but, it all but excused his behavior for the SAME THING. Difference is that's a billionaire team onwer who can "make a call" and this is an athlete with a short shelf life. And lets meantion how Stephen, as he always does, brings up race for no reason, at all. Then uses the excise if "black ppl always tellin me to look out."
Dude sounding like Gordon was is child and he was scolding him as one. That's embarrassing
. The man is facing a yr off, no need to treat him in that manner ESPECIALLY, when he was giggling about Irshays situation, talmbout, "What they gon so, he's a owner...he just has a problem he needs help with." There was no talk of plastering his face all on the news.