The Official Corey Holcomb 5150 Show Thread


Sep 11, 2015
I can see Corey's point on this, I get it.

I finally heard the show, and what Corey is saying is true, that is a real thing, I see this happening a lot with some folks. People crack on Marcus about him being Corey's sidekick and pet and etc, if you hear that for so long, read it all in the comments, that can get to some folks mental and they don't even know it, it can fukk wit you in a sense to where you start telling yourself that you gotta get that energy from off you.

You start to be like, why I am the only one labeled as such and such when I just fukk with dude. He just my homie but to everybody else, they see you as a fan, step-son, side-kick, assistant, etc. You are not look at as Corey's friend in a sense to the masses. You're looked at as Corey's coat-tail rider. Folks see that and they play off that and they will place you in a box as such and that may have gotten to Marcus in a sense. Being under Corey for so long and just riding with Corey on things.

shyt is crazy, I'm doing my best to explain the shyt, it's weird, Black folks do this shyt a lot that's why I can speak on it.

It's like hanging with Micheal Jordan all the time, if you're not Allen Iverson or Shaq, or someone as of MJ's persona, you're going to be looked at as a side-kick. Micheal Jordan and you're Corey Blunt, Corey Blunt if seen with MJ everywhere, all the time, folks will start to clown Corey Blunt, some may even try and keep him out of things just because he hangs with MJ. But these same folks wouldn't do this to a A.I. or Shaq.

I hope this makes sense. The lesser talent will always get a bad label amongst black folks, especially if the lesser talent is around the talent all the time. Corey is the talent, Marcus is the lesser talent.

In my example, if Corey Blunt goes to another team, the other players from the new team already have in their mind, oh this is MJ pet that's coming over here to play with us. These players will talk about Corey blunt, just because he was with MJ all the time and he is a lesser talent. Some of the players know that they are better than Corey Blunt but they see that MJ gave Corey all the new Jordans etc or the perks that come from hanging with MJ which they feel some small way about

If the noise bothers Cory Blunt (as I think it did Marcus) Corey Blunt will start to slick diss or do passive aggressive things towards MJ to try and cut that cord/energy to get that label off him. He may even call MJ and be on some, man these folks saying I've been carrying your bags around for years, I used to massage your feet after every game. MJ hearing this shyt like, nikka what, who saying this and why are you even listening to this nonsene. MJ knows how folks talk, he may even laugh at it when he hear what folks say, but he don't expect it to fuk up his situation like that with Corey Blunt. He knows it can happen in the back of his mind, but he don't think Corey Blunt would be on that type of time with the shyt, he expects Corey Blunt to either continue to be labeled as such or to push pass that shyt.

Also if MJ was a dirty mfer, some folks in MJ position see it and play off it to boost their ego and shyt, but I don't think Corey Holcomb is that type to do that, I do think Corey Holcomb knew that folks looked at Marcus as his side-kick or teacher's pet, but I don't think Corey Holcombe knows how to stop folks from talking in that manner, nor does he 100% care now at this point. In the beginning, yea, Corey Holcomb knew and even heard the jokes, but now 3-4 years in their friendship, it's like that shyt is what it is at this point.

But the shyt eats up the lesser talent, especially lesser talent who don't have as much as the big talent. Marcus living at home with his mama, he's doing Uber, he's not really working like that, folks (the masses) see you on their level or less and they will clown you and label you as such, vs if Marcus had his own shyt, riding around with this and that, had more resources than Corey Hol, then folks wouldn't label you as such, but once folks see you that you are on their level and you're hanging around the big fish all the time, then that's when the labeling starts

Marcus should have just chilled and not worried about that noise that he was hearing. Some of them folks who label you as such wanna be in your position. It takes a strong-minded person or a person who knows that their talent (the lesser talented person) will get them to where they need to be
The lesser talented person to overcome this shyt would say to themselves. Nah man, I aint no pet, that's my homie, that's my Ace, I fukks with Corey. Keep saying it until folks understand it. Honestly what Marcus did (if he called Corey and said that shyt about folks saying i'm your sidekick) was some Beta shyt.

If you my homie, you my homie, especially if you threw me licks, fukk whoever don't like it. Worrying about that shyt means you stopped focusing hard on your goal or you done fell off, something slowed down for you and now you're hearing the noise or you recalling back on shyt that you wanna use because you aint got shyt going on for yourself and now the bigger talent is pushing you away.

shyt is crazy, but I understand the situation.

In Corey's situation, Corey stated that he got buddy a car, had him on the road with him, kept away from his mama etc, so that tells me that he fukks with Marcus, and had dude on the show every Tuesday. And now you hit him with the "They say you are my sick-kick"
After all I did and looked out for you, you come at me with this shyt? nikka get off my phone.

I'd be pissed off to, don't come at me with no hoe shyt, and then you wanna joke on my accident to try and passive aggressive hate on me because you wanna get that side kick label off you, nikka you a hoe for that.
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May 29, 2012
Corey on the Vince McMahon side of the game :russ:. I think all this shyt (except Aries) has been a work. Matter fact I think that inspired him just like the Montreal Screwjob inspired Vince. Thats the most mainstream attention the show ever got. I think Marcus and Zo were both ready to move on and the fake fallouts were a perfect way to get attention for both 5150 and their own solo ventures. These nikkas all playing characters. I dont even believe his wrist broke :pachaha:. That said, Marcus joke about him talking about gays and having broke wrists now is GOAT tier :mjlol:.


Feb 19, 2014
I'd be pissed off to, don't come at me with no hoe shyt, and then you wanna joke on my accident to try and passive aggressive hate on me because you wanna get that side kick label off you, nikka you a hoe for that.
:mjlol:IMO, what really split everything up was the Ryan shyt. Once Marcuus stayed loyal to Ryan and Corey saw that Marcuus wasn't going to just blindly take his side on everything, he stopped fukking with Marcuus.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
:mjlol:IMO, what really split everything up was the Ryan shyt. Once Marcuus stayed loyal to Ryan and Corey saw that Marcuus wasn't going to just blindly take his side on everything, he stopped fukking with Marcuus.
That’s the same exact thing he did with zo once zo wouldn’t blindly take Corey’s side over Grady