They were bad but Marvel didn't even pretend to try and market it. They pushed out an unknown book with a very obscure hero and with no hype at all. That's never gonna work no matter how compelling and fresh the plot is. They could have gone all out with advertisng the sensationalism of the plot. They knew it wasn't going to be a hit but they did it anyway for some odd reason and that's what's striking to me.
And I thought Power Man and Iron Fist had a big fanbase?
They rarely push any books tho....old or new characters. They may get 1 article on CBR & a very similar article on Comicvine. They push events, and overexpose characters throughout every book for their push, until public is sick of them (Pixie, Hope, Inhumans Iron Fist, Black Cat). I figured Power Man & Iron Fist wasn't selling. I won't say the art is bad, but I don't think it fit the book.
You really have to stumble upon them and use WoM.