So today sees the finale of Nighthawk, and my LCS supposedly sold out Nighthawk #6

How is that possible? Now I have to cop it online and wait.
But damn, this really is the end. I still think Marvel cancelled this far too quickly and easily. In retrospect it's like as soon as David Walker came to them with the script they couldn't wait to get it out there just to kill it fast as possible and get it over with like they were box checking. The sales couldn't be so bad they felt to cancel so quickly after 2 issues.
I thought there would never be another comic superhero like NH or the current run he had but it looks like BLACK and The Vigilante: Southland are looking to fill the famillar gaps NH put on.
I only buy floppies and stick to a book on a monthly basis if I'm really hooked into it or if I don't want it to be cancelled. Otherwise I drop it or wait for a trade.