I kinda think MArvel's scared to death to create fresh out the box characters right now. Their track record sucks.
Their last successful characters that weren't tied in any way to older characters were... who (yes, I'm actually asking for help on this)?
Ms. Marvel (who has the name, but is brand new with no ties to anyone)?
America Chavez? (who's... sort of popular, but they didn't give her that mainstream push)
Bendis is DESPERATELY trying to make Goldballs popular. (goat faced girl is more popular)
Guillotine, who I had no idea debuted in that contests of champions mobile game, so she's somewhat known?
Edit: got it.
Agent Coulson (

I made a post prolly some time last year where I was saying Marvel markets their books the same way major record labels push their records.
Right now, Marvel is pulling the equivalent of creating clones of older, successful acts, signing them to 360 deals and cashing out on their one hit single, streams and tours (kid this, female that, ethnic this person, teen that person)