yep. That's Grant Morrison's love letter to Superman. This is from someone who isn't really a fan of Superman comics: If you can get past Quitely's art (yes, DOOM. I know) then you're in for a ride.
They were the same seam as that All-New X-Men run right?
I'm mostly a marvel guy, only DC I've read is a couple Batman trades and Kingdom Come. Should be fun.
I'm mostly a marvel guy, too. Well, sorta.
There's actually a list of trades that stretches from DC's Identity Crisis to DC's 52 that tell one complete story. If I can dig up said list (I lost all of those books when my hard drive crashed a few years ago) I might just post it for you.
I'm really not a DC reader like that, but that stretch of books was my favorite time as a comic book reader.
Doctor Strange is having a really strong run right now too. That and Vision have been fantastic. Loved issue 1 of Power Man and Iron Fist too, artwork was on pointi'll scoop em up tomorrow.
Where's this from?
Where's this from?
yep. That's Grant Morrison's love letter to Superman. This is from someone who isn't really a fan of Superman comics: If you can get past Quitely's art (yes, DOOM. I know) then you're in for a ride.
Unfollow number 5.
Heard this has been fire. Waiting for first trade. From the sound of it, I'll prob wind up adding it to my weekly pull list.Unfollow number 5.
Went to my shop yesterday and they sold out all back issues of Vision. However, i picked up Spider-Man issues 1 and 2. I'll check for Dr Strange too when i go WednesdayDoctor Strange is having a really strong run right now too. That and Vision have been fantastic. Loved issue 1 of Power Man and Iron Fist too, artwork was on point
Unfollow is the shyt. I wish the tv show wasn't going to be on ABC tbh.