By Greg Pak and Frank Cho
Secret Wars #4 Preview
I am fine with it. I am not the biggest continuity person though.Am I the only one who doesn't like this new Anti Continuity thing DC is doing? I need structure it should all be one cohesive universe this is just sloppy.
Jim Gordon as Big Bunny Batman has appeared in several books besides the Bat books already.Stories exists in their own books now, for example in batman you have jim Gordon who is the new batman in a robo suit but in justice league we still have Bruce Wayne, green lantern is no longer a green lantern but in Justice league he is apart of the team. You have two Justice league books with the exact same cast and they retconned black Canary where she is a part of a rock band now or something.
I like they are using different Squadron members from different dead worlds and I have always liked Thundra so it will be interesting to see how she fits in.![]()
By Robinson and Kirk![]()
By Greg Pak and Frank Cho
Secret Wars #4 Preview
Walking Dead was...Kirkman does pretty much the same story beats for all of these big bad group vs Rick's groups storylines and this feels like a case of rinse and repeat thematically. Plus Carl acting like such a pill over some stank zombie cosplayer p*ssy is ridiculous.
Did not like Aquaman...the story was OK but the art is all wrong for this book and this character.
walking dead is just...Grayson was cool but I amabout them killing Nemesis like some jobber.
I liked issue #1 of We Are Robin and glad to see that Duke Thomas is going to be the primary character. Plus I am intrigued by just which one of Batman's supporting cast is their mysterious benefactor.
I loved all the nonsense in Justice League 3001 and the first issue featuring not only my favorite JL villain in Starro but a cameo by Ambush Bug and the return of the original Supergirl has me hyped for this book's second incarnation.
Korvac Saga was good; I don't get why Wonder Man of all people was picked to be a Baron but the old school Guardians of the Galaxy are always a fun read.
Liked Infinity Gauntlet #2 even more than #1.
E is for Extinction read like a bad Grant Morrison impersonator wrote it. Ramon Villalobos did a good job creating Quitely-lite art though.
Uncanny Avengers was just as shytty as every issue from about issue #5 on has been. Remender really does not need to be writing any Avengers book because he is really bad at it.
Walking Dead was...Kirkman does pretty much the same story beats for all of these big bad group vs Rick's groups storylines and this feels like a case of rinse and repeat thematically. Plus Carl acting like such a pill over some stank zombie cosplayer p*ssy is ridiculous.
Did not like Aquaman...the story was OK but the art is all wrong for this book and this character.
Bucky? Why would they need to black out the arm?
B-b-but his face! Only she can look at the huge, fukking gaping open wound on his Doomdamn skull and not flinch because she's already fukked up beyond repair. It's definitely not a red flag
Infinity Gauntlet![]()
Liked Infinity Gauntlet #2 even more than #1