It’s one complete story which is the “Jack the Ripper” angle as the overall storyline; with several plots going for each of the main characters.Is it more like the episodes cover one big story or each episode is like an x-files kind of feel? (mystery of the week)
Deviant cops and corrupt politicians added to the mix along with the Italian and Irish mafia, the man from the Wire, “Bunny Colvin” was in this, as well- and everyone referred to Native Americans as “savages”. you know they had to add racism and ethnicism to the mix. Theodore Roosevelt and the financier JP Morgan controlling everybody with his money. Basically every one was treating everyone like shyt - the rich elite hated the poor “servant class” and didn’t care about the murders of the lower class. It’s demented . Rich deviants consorting with underage kids
This season was busy as hell now that I’m writing all of that out- they covered a whole lot. I need to fit in a comedy watch - I’ve been watching too much dark and extremely vile, violent content these past 2 weeks.

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