Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
All this slander...:gucci:

I'm not bothered one bit by this news. Maybe Fede Alvarez (who I like) can be the guy who finally makes a Texas Chainsaw movie that isn't ass. :mjlit:
The slander is a result of microagressions - I still have issues with you about your Halloween violations. TCM has been great since the reboots in 2003. You watch your own damn slander:ufdup:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Underwater was really good. It's a shame it was slept on by movie goers.
Shocked that a sequel would be in the works since it didn't do well at the box office.
All movies get a part 2 treatment regardless these days if it has a mainstream release. I think that movie is like a 2 hr commercial advertisement for the Chutulu monster movie


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Jessica biel one was dope :ufdup:
Nevermind him.
He and i have a hate hate relationship with his hate of Texas chainsaw massacre. @Jello Biafra was born on the floor of his family’s meat/butcher factory near a farm out in Texas and he’s been triggered ever since.


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.



May 23, 2012
Nice man, me and my best pal watched cigarette burns during October 2018 and loved it. I’ve heard imprint (Miike) and homecoming (Dante) were both good, I watched the one by Don Coscarelli too (incident on a mountain road) but wasn’t crazy about it.

Gave Imprint and Homecoming a spin, good looks for the suggestions.

Imprint is very...Miike...It has plenty of the torture and pain aspects from the Miike flicks I know best, Audition and Ichi the Killer. The plot itself is bizarre, not the most coherent and not particularly well explained. But there's enough involved that you can follow everything and get an idea of what the story is going for. It's just so ridiculously out there that it's a trip. I read about how this didn't get a network screening, they pulled it for being too scary. Scary wouldn't be my word for it, but disturbing makes sense. The torture stuff goes pretty damned extreme. I think it's more interesting as "the Masters of Horror episode they refused to air" than as a stand alone piece of horror media. But it's also so different and out there that for a hard body horror head, it may be worth a look if the torture stuff isn't too much.

Homecoming is easier to explain. Dead soldiers from the 00's Middle East conflicts keep returning from the dead, like Zombies but without the violence. The question is what's brought these zombies back? Are they dangerous? And, I'm not kidding, should they be allowed to vote in the next election? It's a trip, very on the nose political satire, but also pretty well done. Was it overt to the point of being obnoxious? I don't think so, but I'm also a leftist so most of my politics get labelled radical to begin with. It was barely horror though, it's less about scares and more about the mystery and the message.

Definitely thank you for the suggestions though. These are two stories unlike 99% of what I've seen even though I try to watch everything that gets mentioned in this thread and more. Masters of Horror seems feels like giving these directors a blank canvas and letting them go ham or experiment or whatever they like. I'm 5 deep so far and only 1 was flat out bad. 1 was forgettable but alright. These 2 were fascinating but not great. Cigarette Burns, I loved.

cac poster

// ...
Oct 18, 2015
Gave Imprint and Homecoming a spin, good looks for the suggestions.

Imprint is very...Miike...It has plenty of the torture and pain aspects from the Miike flicks I know best, Audition and Ichi the Killer. The plot itself is bizarre, not the most coherent and not particularly well explained. But there's enough involved that you can follow everything and get an idea of what the story is going for. It's just so ridiculously out there that it's a trip. I read about how this didn't get a network screening, they pulled it for being too scary. Scary wouldn't be my word for it, but disturbing makes sense. The torture stuff goes pretty damned extreme. I think it's more interesting as "the Masters of Horror episode they refused to air" than as a stand alone piece of horror media. But it's also so different and out there that for a hard body horror head, it may be worth a look if the torture stuff isn't too much.

Homecoming is easier to explain. Dead soldiers from the 00's Middle East conflicts keep returning from the dead, like Zombies but without the violence. The question is what's brought these zombies back? Are they dangerous? And, I'm not kidding, should they be allowed to vote in the next election? It's a trip, very on the nose political satire, but also pretty well done. Was it overt to the point of being obnoxious? I don't think so, but I'm also a leftist so most of my politics get labelled radical to begin with. It was barely horror though, it's less about scares and more about the mystery and the message.

Definitely thank you for the suggestions though. These are two stories unlike 99% of what I've seen even though I try to watch everything that gets mentioned in this thread and more. Masters of Horror seems feels like giving these directors a blank canvas and letting them go ham or experiment or whatever they like. I'm 5 deep so far and only 1 was flat out bad. 1 was forgettable but alright. These 2 were fascinating but not great. Cigarette Burns, I loved.

Nice write up, and don’t thank me - I appreciate your responding with your takes on things I had only heard about.

For both Miike and Dante these scripts seem very much an encompassment of the main ideas in their respective catalogs. Miike is obviously the epitome of a blood and guts filmmaker but beyond just that, his works focus a lot on the masochism of discipline and how trauma shapes personalities and predilections of characters. Dante’s films, somewhat similar to (and influenced by) Romero, use the monsters and supernatural elements to make his observations on society. The way you described Homecoming almost sounds like a Day of the Dead sequel. Indeed those themes of the soldier zombies voting, etc is similarly touched on in “Survival of the Dead”. I don’t recommend that movie to anyone but the hardcore George stans. There’s not much juice to squeeze out of that one but perhaps a bit more than Diary/Dead. But I digest....

Let me know if you find any other gems in the series and kudos for the insight on the ones you’ve seen. I’m sure there is at least one installment within those two seasons that’s an unrecognized classic by a less/non famous director.

BTW, are you on letterboxd? A bunch of you guys from this thread followed me on there one day recently but I only connected one or two usernames (@MartyMcFly is BlackMan right? and I think Nicole and Jello go by their same name here)
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All Star
Nov 20, 2017
Horror heads recommend me some new ish things you’ve seen worth checking out?

recently watched

midsommar - I wanted to like this, but I couldn’t get into it, cult shyt is right up my alley horror wise but this just wasn’t it for me

the colour out of space - again I wanted to like this as Mandy was my fave Nic Cage film upto date but again I couldn’t really get into this for some reason

I found beyond the black rainbow a slow burner but I liked it

Mandy I liked it a lot, the directors 2 for 2 with Beyond the black rainbow and Mandy

Im unaware on if he’s made other movies or has anything coming up but I’ll def check for his stuff in future

one I’ll recommend to you all

It’s in subs but don’t let that put you off.

Train to Busan, Fast zombie outbreak on a train, pretty gory, fast paced, intense scenes, some cool characters, best foreign horror I’ve seen for a while

Any recommendations?

cac poster

// ...
Oct 18, 2015
Horror heads recommend me some new ish things you’ve seen worth checking out?

recently watched

midsommar - I wanted to like this, but I couldn’t get into it, cult shyt is right up my alley horror wise but this just wasn’t it for me

the colour out of space - again I wanted to like this as Mandy was my fave Nic Cage film upto date but again I couldn’t really get into this for some reason

I found beyond the black rainbow a slow burner but I liked it

Mandy I liked it a lot, the directors 2 for 2 with Beyond the black rainbow and Mandy

Im unaware on if he’s made other movies or has anything coming up but I’ll def check for his stuff in future

one I’ll recommend to you all

It’s in subs but don’t let that put you off.

Train to Busan, Fast zombie outbreak on a train, pretty gory, fast paced, intense scenes, some cool characters, best foreign horror I’ve seen for a while

Any recommendations?
From 2019: I enjoyed In Fabric and Depraved very much. Little Joe too, but it’s a sci-fi and not really a horror except for some slight elements.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but Park Chan Wook’s “Thirst” from 2009 was one I loved back in my formative years, one of his lesser known movies I think. Great modern vampire take. This is stemming from you mentioning Train to Busan (which I liked)

I love the first two V/H/S movies, I’ll always plug those when I have the chance.

Most Beautiful Island is one of my favorite films, indie or not, from the last decade. Incredibly rewarding thriller if you go in blind. Don’t read any synopses or reviews before.

The Witch in the Window was a great Shudder exclusive from a couple years ago. Some small scenes that were expertly made, and the overall idea brought originality to a haunted house environment which is an achievement in itself.


All Star
Nov 20, 2017
^^^^ quoting fukked up for some reason

Those should keep my horror fix going for a while, I like sci fi too

I’ve actually only heard of V/H/S from everything you’ve mentioned, a lot of people have mentioned those to be their favourites in the genres so I’ve been meaning to get round to them at some point

Train to Busan there’s an animated prequel to how the outbreak started or something but I’ve not seen it, Also talk of a sequel and a remake in English

I tend to like some of the stranger horror elements so not sure how I could t get into The colour out of space or midsommar but I’ll probably re watch both at some point on a side note I didn’t like hereditary either which a lot did so I expect to get crucified for that ha