Back with some more, ill sleep when Im dead
First up
A 2010 film with a 75% RT.
Didnt know there was so many horror films with good reviews
Its very rare that a film can surprise AND disappoint me in a single viewing.
So this one is a post-apocalyptic zombie film, except the twist is,its not zombies,its vampires.
which in itself is actually a cool concept and a nice take on the zombie wave. Heres the problem. The vampires are just zombies basically. Theyre dumb,single minded animals. It might as well have been a zombie movie.
The story is about a vampire hunter whos training a kid,protege to help him basically. The movie has the last of us,The road vibes but the acting and writing just isnt there. It tries,but it just doesnt hit,theres no real emotional weight. Overall its worth watching because its a passable film with some potential.
A 2014 film with an 85% RT
I have never seen the first one but sadly it wasnt on netflix. I figured I could handle watching this one and wouldnt be too lost with the highly cerebal story line.
luckily though they do a recap of the first at the beginning of this. I gotta say. I fukking loved this film. Its a norwegian movie but about half of its in English with Martin starr having a big part
This is a sam raimi esque horror comedy wearing its evil dead influence on its sleeve. Some great practical effects and well placed slap stick humour. Its about an army of nazi zombies that come back to life. If you love evil dead you will love this.