Just been on a binge watching session of films. Unfortunately most have been utter garbage.
Apollo 18 -

dont waste your time ever with this. 0/10
The devils pass - it had a cool concept since it was based on a real life mysteey but they did absolutely nothing with it. Cant believe renny harlin went from cutthroat island to this

Deliver us from evil - what are you doing eric bana

this movie seems like it should be starring stephen dorff. 2/10. Its competent but devoid of any actual horror.
The babadook - i keep going back and forth wether i liked this film. The lead actress was great and i did like the themes if grief and depression but im dissapointed it wasnt a real monster. 7/10
Afflicted - this was surprisingly

it reminded me of chronicle. But with the guy turning into a vampire instead. 6/10
Devils due - trash ass found footage rosemarys baby rip off
