Thriller follows the story of an introverted young man named Chauncey Page who is sent to juvenile hall after he accidentally kills a young woman who is part of a group of tormentors that play a cruel prank on him.
Years later he is released and is back for revenge — and blood — as Chauncey (Jason Woods) serves up some murderous karma as the group, now in high school, gets ready for Homecoming. Dressed in a hoodie and a menacing glare, he terrorizes them and picks them off one by one.
Produced by
Divide/Conquer and written and directed by filmmaker
Dallas Jackson, the movie subverts the classic slasher genre of the ’70s that usually takes place in white suburbia and sets it in modern-day Compton, CA, where teenagers experience an unforgiving cityscape of racism and violence.
Thriller stars
Fences star
Mykelti Williamson, rapper-actor
RZA as well as a roster of up-and-comers including Jessica Allain, Luke Tennie, Tequan Richmond, Paige Hurd, Chelsea Rendon, Mitchell Edwards, Pepi Sonuga, Jason Woods, Maestro Harrell, and Michael Ocampo. Director Jackson serves as producer alongside Greg Gilreath, Adam Hendricks, and John Lang.
I am getting a lot of OG Prom Night vibes from this movie.