what did you think of let's scare Jessica to death?
btw i hate found footage flicks, its not for me..
I like found footage the same way I like everything in horror: If it's done right, doesn't matter to me
what did you think of let's scare Jessica to death?
btw i hate found footage flicks, its not for me..
Made too many changes for him and he disagreed with Nicholson being cast as the main role. Jack Torrence is supposed to be a guy for whom a psychotic break seems so unexpected but who wouldn't expect it with Nicholson playing the role?
Yep, plus in the book it was 100% Supernatural and Kubrick's version leaves it up in the air ambiguously whether it was supernatural or all in Jack's head...King really hated that part
Word...great flick but I can understand the author having issues with it completely. Nothing wrong with that at all. Especially since he has several legs to stand on
New slasher flick, it's been a minute since we had one:
have you seen the original?
I may go to watch this 2014 edition.
the original is scary and has that gritty/video nasty feel to it, and interesting to see the friday the 13th part 2 comparison..You know it's funny you ask that, when I posted the trailer I didn't know it was a remake but when I just Googled it the poster looks familiar. So I either seen the original or at least knew it existed back in the day.
sorry for the procrastination
but anyways....this film is a great netflix movie...see it at a dollar theater or matinee if you're REALLY bored
here's why
Main character is really annoying, there's a scene in the beginning between her and someone else that almost made me want to leave. It was terribly acted and dragged on (the scene)
It starts out sorta slow...but it'll grab your attention pretty fast..then hit you with someyou wouldn't really expect.
There was a some stuff I personally wish got explained, which they could of but it seemed kinda rushed.
Overall I give it a 6/10
Looking forward to the eventual home video that I will no doubt get through the illegal life
The story centers on two characters Barker has used in previous works: private investigator Harry D'Amour, a character seen in several previous stories such as the novel Everville and the short story "The Last Illusion" (later adapted into the film Lord of Illusions); and a being known only as "Pinhead", an extra-dimensional entity residing in a world bordering our own. Pinhead and Harry are depicted as adversaries. Their first meeting occurs in the past, when Harry is twelve or thirteen years old and in Catholic school, and this encounter with Pinhead is said to be a primary cause of Harry's later disturbed psyche.
In the present day, a friend of Harry's is taken hostage by Pinhead, and Harry, accompanied by four mismatched companions (including the blind medium Norma Paine, who has appeared in earlier Barker stories) and an animal, must track his friend down into the lowest levels of Hell. Roughly two thirds of the story will take place in Hell itself, and much is expected to be learned about the nature of Hell, its creator, its inhabitants, about the Order of the Gash and Pinhead's place within it.