Was thinking I haven't seen the Hellraiser films in a long while so due a rewatch soon.
Realized I've only seen the first 3 though and the 2022 remake.
So my question to my fellow Coli Horror Heads is this...
Are the other films in the franchise outside of those ones i mentioned worth watching or do they dip in quality drastically after the first few?
1 & 2 are undeniable classics. the 2022 rmake was pretty solid too i thought.
I've noticed a lot of people seem to not like the third one at all.
Do people here dislike the third one? i know the tone shifts heavily & leans towards the more camp & cheesy but i still enjoy it for what it is and don't think its THAT bad. What's your thoughts on it?
Cheers Horror family
Ps. this is still the best thread in the film room. You gotta love seeing it pinned now.