I was feeling in the Christmas spirit so I watched these movies last week.
Jack Frost(1997)
This is a favorite of mine. Still find it fun. Good mix of characters that play it straight. Reminds me of like Bride of Chucky or Nightmare on Elm Street 4. Jack Frost definitely stole the idea from Child's Play.
Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman(2000)
I liked this the first time I watched it. Wasn't too into it this time. Too many goofy characters and the lower budget shows. The first movie was already low budget.
Silent NIght Deadly Night(1984)
I was surprised how serious this movie took itself. There were still laughs. It kinda feels like Don't Go Into the House to me. Was pretty good. Whoever got him that job knowing his history is the real villain in the movie.
Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2(1987)
This movie would be so much better if they didn't recap the first movie so much. The movie is in so bad it's good territory, but watching it right after the first takes it down a few notches for me. Ricky's delivery of his lines is hilarious to me.
Silent Night Deadly Night 3(1989)
I didn't like this one. Maybe I didn't pay attention or I wasn't paying attention because I didn't like it. The crazy brain effect on Bill Mosley's head with a Santa hat on top made me laugh.
Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation(1990)
Like Return of the Living Dead 3, Brian Yuzna made another sequel in a franchise that had nothing to do with the previous movies. This might make fans angry but it give you something new. ROTLD2 was much like the 1st one but with different characters, even though some were played by the same actors. This movie defiantly took the (Holiday) Season of the Witch(es) approach.
The effects by Screaming Mad George were great. There's a lot of stuff that'd you'd see in his earlier effects from Nightmare on Elm Street 4, and Society.
I plan to watch more Brian Yuzna and Stuart Gordon movies.
Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker(1991)
This movie took it back to the Christmas theme. Not good but not bad either....was alright. The movie was like a straight to video Full Moon movie. I might have seen this before, I'm not sure. The villain looked familiar to me.