Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.


May 23, 2012

The cast caught my attention, but this joint turned out to be really cheesy. It's got some of the worst CGI blood I've ever seen, and the way the plot unfolds is...odd. But it might slip into the "so bad, it's good lane" because I laughed out loud a few times at how unintentionally corny it got.
May 1, 2012
Brehs.... I slept on 'M3GAN' for real. We watched it on Amazon Prime. It was the Unrated version. I admit I thought this was just gonna be some Child's Play rip off but it was much more than that. The script is smartly written and the acting is way better than expected as well. Good kills and some pretty funny moments too. It was the little things that had me laughing like hell. Well worth the watch.


the fukkery, the sweet ,sweet fukkery
May 19, 2012
Finally back from vacation

That system that hit Mexico was a b*stard
Delayed us coming back by 2 days

watched Psycho Santa 1 & 2 for my X-mas watch list



All Star
Nov 20, 2017
Watched The Belko Experiment for the first time on prime last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was pretty fast paced & an interesting concept. Some brutality, Just all round a pretty fun movie. I never wanted a mf to die so much as that creepy unhinged psychotic mf Dr Cox. Anyone recommend anything in a similar sorta vein?

The names slipped me now but I saw something else on prime that looked like it might be quite decent it was something about Prisoners & Guards switching places I think. & I think it had Adrian Brody In it. Anyone know what I mean? If you do is it worth a watch?


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Watched The Belko Experiment for the first time on prime last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was pretty fast paced & an interesting concept. Some brutality, Just all round a pretty fun movie. I never wanted a mf to die so much as that creepy unhinged psychotic mf Dr Cox. Anyone recommend anything in a similar sorta vein?

The names slipped me now but I saw something else on prime that looked like it might be quite decent it was something about Prisoners & Guards switching places I think. & I think it had Adrian Brody In it. Anyone know what I mean? If you do is it worth a watch?
The Crazies and Mayhem. The Domestics might fit in that kind of concept, but if it's not it's definitely worth a watch.


All Star
Nov 20, 2017
The Crazies and Mayhem. The Domestics might fit in that kind of concept, but if it's not it's definitely worth a watch.
The Crazies as in the original or the remake? I’ve seen the one from 2010 But it’s been a while so I’m due a re-watch. Never seen the OG one, is the Original from the 70’s?

Seen and LOVED Mayhem. I like Samara Weaving a lot especially in horror, just wish she was in more. I can see her becoming a scream queen in a few years time if she keeps getting horror roles. Steven Yeun is also great in this.

Never heard of the Domestics before so I’ll check that one out.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
The Crazies as in the original or the remake? I’ve seen the one from 2010 But it’s been a while so I’m due a re-watch. Never seen the OG one, is the Original from the 70’s?

Seen and LOVED Mayhem. I like Samara Weaving a lot especially in horror, just wish she was in more. I can see her becoming a scream queen in a few years time if she keeps getting horror roles. Steven Yeun is also great in this.

Never heard of the Domestics before so I’ll check that one out.
Never seen the OG Crazies either. I just tossed out the name since the movies are close to what you asked about.


All Star
Nov 20, 2017
Haven’t really been too active in here recently, despite this being the best thread in in the section. Still dunno how it ain’t Stickied.

I’m not sure if I’ve posted about these before in here or not so here’s my thoughts on a bunch of films I’ve watched recent ish and when I say recent I think I watched most of these in 2022.

Imma probably get absolutely COOKED in here cos I know how loved some of these are but here goes. Feel free to chime in on anything btw folks.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022 - this one was just Bad. Went in with low expectations as I generally do with remakes/re-boots and it was about as I expected it to be. Meh.

t*ts couldn’t have saved this but I read somewhere that the main chick actually wanted to do a topless scene but the director said no for some reason.

X - I really didn’t like this. There’s one scene I really did like. The scene where she goes swimming in the lake and it’s an Aerial birdseye view of her swimming back to the pier with the alligator slowly tailing her & catching up - I thought this was pretty intense and it was a cool way of shooting the scene with the top down view. Other than that the film was just meh to me. Jenna Ortega couldn’t save it for me.

Nope - saw a lot of people hating on this before I saw it. The one scene in the barn - Unsettling. Now if we could get a film where it focused on that - and I thought that’s where it was going. That part really pulled me in and generally creeped me out . And then it goes in whole other direction, the whole idea of the film I found very interesting and a fresh take on the whole Alien thing, don’t think anyones ever done It like that before so kudos for that. I didn’t hate the film like many did. Don’t understand the hate for it either at the same time. Was it amazing? To me personally no. Was it terrible? Again to me personally no. I found it was a little slow going at times but no one can say it wasn’t entertaining. Found myself throughly entertained when it really started to get ramped up. Will probably watch this again once more at some point. I didn’t love or hate it I thought it was entertaining and a pretty good film. Also the monkey scene - that was DISTURBING. Enjoyed Steven Yeuns role in this.

The Hatching - This was a WEIRD one. I dunno where to even begin with it. It was entertaining I’ll give you that. Not sure if I liked or didn’t like it though. Some very creepy scenes. The shedding of the beak etc and the more human the antagonist becomes. Found myself shouting at the screen the whole time GOD DAMN IT NOT THE BABY?! when you thought the little boy was gonna get Axed. That bit was intense. Very strange film.

Men - Do not bother wasting your time with this. I wish I hadn’t.

Glorious - This one was pretty wild for having pretty much one guy in a bathroom stall the entire film. Saw the twist coming a mile off though. Entertaining for what it was.
Unhuman - Fell asleep halfway through it. Generic. No desire to watch the rest the next day either.

Day Shift - More on the comedy side, enjoyed it for what it was - the scene where he fights the elder lady vamp was pretty cool - the thin wire bit too. Entertaining I’ll give it that. Is the big bad the main girl from Brand New Cherry Flavour? Loved her in that if it is. I don’t think she really did a lot though. Not bad but not brilliant

American Carnage - a little too on the comedy side. Called the twist with the sister from the beginning. However I didn’t see the twist with the main love interest coming. But I thought it was cliche AF & silly either way when it did happen. The idea was better than the set up. It was entertaining at points I’ll give it that. Probably never watch again though. And I quite like Jenna Ortega.
Prey - Solid

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies - Seen the twist from a MILE AWAY.

Jeepers Creepers Reborn - TERRIBLE AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Hellraiser 2022 - Decent enough.

PT 1.


All Star
Nov 20, 2017
PT 2.

Summer of 84 - really liked the premise of this one and thoroughly enjoyed it. The last 20 mins or so really ramped up the tension. I had initially though the film was over and then BAM! Nah you got another 20 ish mins of oh shyt! Intensity. Will watch again at some point - probably throwing this one as a the re-watch on my next 31 days of Halloween.

The Clove Hitch Killer - I watched this one immediately after summer of 84 as people had said they both had very similar vibes and that it was the better of the two - have to strongly disagree, I think he discovered the killer far too early and then from there it just went super fast and it was predictable I was told about it as “is it him? Isn’t it?! You’ll keep guessing” but no it was simple straight forward with no expected twists so it was just okay to me

Vicious Fun - Loved this one! Loved the whole premise of it, highly reccomend! Both funny and brutal at times, Just an all round fun film like the title says! Throw this on and it’s a blast from start to finish - I’ll be throwing this on 31 days for a re-watch too.

Spree - saw the trailer for this and thought okay this is gonna be ridiculously bad - Generally not a fan of films all shot through various hand held cams in general - just not my thing. Saw the main dude in this was Steve from stranger things and was like alright I’ll give it a shot as he plays one of my favourite characters in that, it’ll be interesting to see him play a bad guy, so going in very low expectations thinking it’ll be another cheap schlocky film - and boy was I wrong! I Surprisingly really enjoyed this one! Entertaining from start to finish and the craziness just never lets up. Will add this one to a 31 days as another re-watch

Becky - The King of Queens… as a Neo Nazi. I cannot unsee Doug Heffernan. What the hell was the whole ordeal about the key? All that for the key. The key that never gets explained as to what it’s for.

Resolution - not sure this one counts as strictly horror? Prior to viewing I had heard nothing but good things about this so as it started and got into the film I was like okay where’s this going just two dudes in a random half refurbished house with one cuffed up his buddy trying to make him go cold turkey this is gonna be the whole film just random shenanigans it’s gonna be boring… I was wrong. I found myself laughing a lot and the way the two main actors interact with one another really makes this film and as it goes on you think okay wtf is going on where’s this going with the tapes being left and all that and then it just goes somewhere you don’t expect. And then it was over and I was like. What?! THATS IT?! NAH I NEED MORE?! Really enjoyed. Will definitely watch again.

The Endless - again not sure if horror? Immediately After viewing and really liking Resolution and looking it up online I found out that this was set in the same Universe. And since Resolution left me wanting more and wanting and wanting well a Resolution to just what the hell the antagonist was I threw this on pretty much back to back - loved all the small connections from the first film. The two main dudes having a cameo in Resolution, the random girl that they said wanders off from the mental institution up the road in Resolution being in this was woah! That’s a cool little thing. Then the one main dudes WIFE being in this and looking for her husband I was like oh shyt where’s this going guess we’re gonna focus on that now and the main dudes will help her with that, then YO?! We run into THE HUSBAND AND HIS BUDDY from resolution! This was a welcome edition. Was NOT expecting that. Still both hilarious, expected main dude from this to try to help them somehow and that the film would now focus on that, nope same thing with the wife, we move along, the one French dude from resolution trailer shows up, another cool little thing, I liked that we got a little more explanation in this as to what the creature? God? Angel? Alien? Deity? was. But not too much. I wonder if there will be a third film set in this universe in the future? I’m IN for that if there is. Really liked this film. a Re-watch back to back with Resolution will be happening at some point.

Spring - was told this was by the same directors as Resolution & The Endless so of course I had to check it out. Wouldn’t exactly say it’s horror? Very interesting premise, I’m not sure I enjoyed it as much as the other two films by the same guys but it was worth the watch I would say. I liked how the two British dudes were in it near the start it kinda fleshed out the world a little more ya know? still trying to figure out what the main girl was. Very interesting concept. Also not sure where I recognise the actress from? Is it Magna from the walking dead? I think she’s Dutch?

The Void - I liked the beginning. It didn’t waste any time in jumping into the story. I would have preferred if the film was just a straight forward film about those people in the white robes with the triangle symbol trying to break into the hospital and kill everyone inside instead of what we did get. Those cultists were the most creepy/interesting thing about this for me & It just went down hill kinda fast for me after the way it began.

The Hive - the idea was better than the execution. Meh

Prisoner of Ghost Town - not sure if it’s meant to be horror or what but it’s super odd - I fell asleep halfway through and had no desire to pick up the rest of the film the next day.

Halloween Party - Saw the poster & thought it’ll be terrible b-grade - actually somewhat enjoyed it a bit. Interesting idea. The main thing I enjoyed about it was the Chemistry between the main actor and actress. Wasn’t great as a whole but I was entertained throughout most of it

Your Next - saw a lot of praise for this saying it’s not just a generic slasher so I thought I would give it a shot. Not seeing what people thought made it really stand out tbh? Could see the twist coming miles off. As soon as they introduced Zee? Cee? I knew something was off with her and that she would be in on it. The Hunt & Ready Or Not are both MILES better imo. Just another slasher in my eyes. Meh.

The Wretched - I liked the idea of it but don’t think we saw enough of the neighbour doing crazy shyt after she became the antagonist. And Still don’t get the ending? So the flower his friend gave him was plastic? Implying she was the witch or she was a witch too or what? Also this part bugged me - The neighbours husband getting home after the wife killed the baby just doesn’t notice his baby is gone... wtf dude doesn’t mention hey where’s the baby. I realise this is the whole point LATER after she does whatever she does to make him forget but before she does this he gets home from work and no ones there so he goes next door and the wife is outside and he goes oh hey I came home no one was there and then he doesn’t ask his wife where the baby that’s not with her or in the crib is... this would NEVER happen. That was just stupid as fukk. Oh hey our babies just gone okay yeah no fukking panic whatsoever. That was ridiculous.

Hellbender - This one got a bit mental.
Entertaining film when it got going.

Pyewacket - Not a lot happened. Didn’t see the main antagonist terrorise enough or really do anything till the last 5 mins.