Ive been told that Audition was nasty work - I haven’t seen it either but here’s recaps that I came across
I’m about to watch these to see what it’s about
Eh not really into torture porn

Ive been told that Audition was nasty work - I haven’t seen it either but here’s recaps that I came across
I’m about to watch these to see what it’s about
Why do you type like that?Smile was da last decent one that I liked. Bumpin' for new suggestions.
ehh its on the spectrumEh not really into torture porn![]()
Ive been told that Audition was nasty work - I haven’t seen it either but here’s recaps that I came across
I’m about to watch these to see what it’s about
if this movie is has 1/3 fukkery of Audition, it'll be a great flick.
Audition is a fukked up movie and i have seen some fukked up movies.
Probably one of the best Japanese horror flicks ever made
scratch that , maybe one of the best horror films ever made
the story, the acting the atmosphere, the set up to the fukkery of the last 30 minutes
its probably tame compared to the stuff out there today, but it holds up well.
this Japanese dude's wife died and years later ( i think) instead of going out and meeting people
this fool's family and friends stage a casting call for a fake movie to find a new wife.
he finds one, and... well, lets just say she is more than he bargained for.
I envy you if you are gonna watch this for the first time. Go in Blind.
its directed by Takashi Miike
who also made Versus , check that one out too , its an action, horror sci fi flick that's full of fukkery too.
Japanese horror is definitely an acquired taste
After college , a few of my buddies either moved there for work or were stationed there , some still are there and they send me all the horror stuff and
I hook them up with all the US stuff.
Same .Eh not really into torture porn![]()
Hoping this isn’t more black trauma porn - bout to take a look. Need something to watch in the background while I’m doing a mundane task of exciting data reviews at work(Netflix)
Feel like I’ve seen this before though