#StillScaredDammit: Horror fans list films that spooked them as kids
“Show ONE image from a horror movie that scared the hell out of you as a kid. Please use hashtag #StillScaredDammit,”
Simone wrote.
Given that Simone asked her followers to post pictures of films from their youth, many took the tweet as a chance to indulge in 1980s nostalgia.
“Picture this — it’s the 80’s,” one person wrote. “I’m in either kindergarten or 1st grade. I’m at a sleepover birthday party at a karate school. It’s about midnight. And the parents decide to put this on — FOR THE KIDS.”
They accompanied the post with a freaky photo of Freddy Krueger in 1984’s “A Nightmare on Elm Street.”

Several other ’80s fans posted photos from the cult classic zombie film “Day of the Dead” (1985). Others shared images from the 1986 fantasy flick “Labyrinth,” starring David Bowie.
“Maybe not a horror movie but ‘Labyrinth’ really messed me up as a kid, especially the Helping Hands scene,” one Twitter user wrote, accompanied by a photo of a young Jennifer Connelly being snatched away.