I immediately was likeI had to know what Straight Edge Kegger on Shudder was all about...basically, a bunch of straight-edge punk rock heads toughened up to clean their scene up and get rid of neo-nazis and other racist types but now they've become the bullies and when one of their guys leaves to start drinking and meeting women...they decide to raid the party and kill everyone. I was hoping for at least some so bad it's good or unintentional comedic value, but it's just a low budget movie with a barely-there plot.
I also peeped a movie called the Initiation. It spends the first half-hour taking a very serious look at college date rape but with horror sounds and music...and then it's a slasher, with the parties involved being stalked and murdered. It feels like an honest attempt at tackling a serious subject, but the slasher elements don't really crossover well with the heavy subject matter imo. There's a clear tie-in to how cyber-bullying and gossip can make things even worse for a victim. Colleges covering up assault accusations comes into play which I appreciate the candidness on. I also like that it's careful not to punish innocent parties (well...for the most part). But it still felt too close to this new trauma porn horror movement for my comfort.

I enjoyed The Initiation though. Didn't get the trauma porn vibe from it that you did. Just felt like a nu age slasher to me.