Fear Street 1978 was several decapitated heads above Fear Street 1994.
Most notably the casting was better with Sadie Sink being a massive improvement as The Final Girl over the two pieces of drift wood from the first movie. And the brutality of the kills not just in execution but in who was getting hacked to pieces was a total highlight.
Now just need 1666 to come through but I'm a bit cautiously optimistic on that one since we look to be getting another Kiana Madeira lead performance which I'm not looking forward to. That poor baby just doesn't know what planet she's on when she's trying desperately to act.
lol “decapitated heads over” . Agreed.
@darealvelle liking this Fear Street Part 2 much better than 1. Part 1 felt more like a parody, this part 2 is more 80s Jason-esque; no one over the age of 13 is safe, violent kills from said slasher type vibes.
But I know I’m getting old when my reaction to one of the kills is like - “what did that little kid do to anyone - he’s only in junior high school”
then I realize most slasher movies that I watched coming up, from 80s-90s; the victims we’re no older than high school age
They really didn’t start killing college kids until the early 2000s (Urban Legend, Wrong Turn, Sorority Row, Black Christmas, Cry Wolf, house of wax, know what you did last summer, Cabin Fever ….) if you were a college age/student from 2001-2010, you had a 90% chance of being gutted by a hatchet, knife, saw, from a bloodlusting homicidal maniac running rampant or your classmate, friend, college professor with an appetite for revenge. Last, if you dared to take a vacation for spring/Christmas/thanksgiving break - you will get lost, take the wrong route and get offed by an Inbred in a rural town.
Late 2000s was the grown ups/adult/ married/recently divorced couples with or without kids are possessed, have paranormal experiences or demonic encounters (Blair witch, paranormal activity, conjuring, insidious, sinister, goodnight mommy, etc etc )
The nickname of the neighborhood where I’m from in Queens, Ny is called ShadyvilleThis series been real lit so far. I wonder how part 3 will be? Lol the kids are not safe at all. Shadyville shady for real.
The nickname of the neighborhood where I’m from in Queens, Ny is called Shadyville
Shadyville” is a nickname for Mid-Eastern Queens, usually Queens Village but sometimes Hollis. “Shadyville” has been cited in print since at least 1995.
Cool so I could watch this mess without having to spend one cent on it since I get Peacock for free.A possible release date hasn’t been revealed, but there are unconfirmed rumors that the project could be heading straight to NBCUniversal’s streaming service Peacock
Look at this fumbling dumbass idiot - heneeds to be, should have been fired for this ASAP. He’s interviewing Jamie Lee Curtis from Halloween - bozo.
How do you not know that JLC was from Halloween not Friday the 13th?
And just the celebrity connection of the Michael mask being a bleached William Shatner as Capt. Kirk mask should've been something that idiot had ready to discuss.
I enjoyed Son.Watching this joint called "Son" SHUDDER.
Speed Racer cat tryna get them big titty drawers!I enjoyed Son.