Power is in my hair nikka
tell me more sir.

tell me more sir.
It's not like that out here in California. You have to finger print, show ID, sign waivers and etc. There have a lot of people in California going to the range and commit suicide.
That's why I selective on some ranges.
Its a lot better than military issue rifles.
But from what I've read marines are switching from Colt to the HK416
They're all about the same as far as parts/materials... the only REAL difference is the level of precision the parts are manufactured to......and the lack of aand
settings on the selector switch.
pm me brother.
Shot a Daniel Defense AR with my sister today and a Glock. I do want a LWRC Rifle tho...
What's the best Glock for conceal carry?
27? 42? 43?
Should I buy an AR first or a handgun as my first firearm purchase? Your opinions
I bought a pistol first and then an AR afterwards. IMO starting off with a handgun gives you a better base for firearm understanding and marksmanship but others may disagree. Also for personal defense I feel handguns are more versatile... that was my rationale for getting a pistol first
Man the Glock 43 is really light. Single stack 9mm.
I like it. Why not a sub compact like a Glock 19 though?