Man Spits on Judge, Slaps Her And Calls Her 'Rosa Parks,' Police Say
By Erin Meyer on July 15, 2014 1:36pm | Updated July 15, 2014 3:54pm
David Nicosia, 55, spit on a judge, slapped her and called her Rosa Parks in Daley Plaza Monday, according to court records
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Cook County Sheriffs Department
COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE — A North Side man is charged with a hate crime after spitting in the face of a Cook County judge while she was outside on a break, slapping her and calling her "Rosa Parks," authorities said.
David Nicosia, 55, of the 5400 block of North Sheridan Road, was arrested Monday at the Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St., after an altercation between him and the judge escalated and turned physical, authorities said.
The judge, a 79-year-old African American female, was smoking outside in the plaza when the encounter occurred and Nicosia spit in the judge's face, authorities said.
The judge spit back, Nicosia's attorney alleged.
Nicosia then slapped the judge on her left cheek, according to court documents. At some point during the exchange, Nicosia also called the judge "Rosa Parks."
Nicosia, whose Linked In account says he owns an IT company, is charged with two counts of aggravated battery, two counts of aggravated battery of a senior because the judge is older than 60, and a hate crime.
Judge James Brown ordered Nicosia held on $90,000 bail Tuesday during a brief court appearance.