The Official Charlotte, NC Discussion Thread

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
I’ve notice the dudes out here be ready to set it off over basically nothing :hhh:

I’ve avoided conflicts multiple times. I’m driving to work this morning at 5:30 am and some dudes pull up beside me at a red light. nikka in the passenger seat starts talking shyt. I’m half sleep smoking a Newport looking at him like :gucci:

Too many weirdos out here.
May 10, 2012

A cereal bar is opening in Charlotte, guaranteed to serve nostalgia by the bowl.
By DeAnna Taylor

March 29, 2021 10:59 AM,
Updated April 03, 2021 05:17 PM

Let’s go back in time. Remember those Saturday mornings, waking up early as a kid to pour the biggest bowl of your favorite cereal. If you were feeling extra fancy, you may have even mixed multiple cereals to make a special concoction. Then, you’d find your favorite spot in front of the TV and binge your Saturday morning cartoon lineup. Man, those were the days.

Luckily, we’ll soon get to relive those days. What is being deemed Charlotte’s “first exotic cereal bar,” will open on April 10 in the former Melt-In Your Mouth Cupcake location in Brevard Court.

Day and Night Exotic Cereal Bar started as a food truck in Los Angeles by Karmon DuPrée Jr. in 2020. Since then, he has expanded the brand across the midwest through franchising opportunities. Charlotte co-owner Greg Robinson was approached by DuPrée to open a location in Charlotte. Robinson and his girlfriend Danielle Booker found that nothing like this existed in North Carolina and welcomed the idea to fill that void.

“When I moved to Charlotte less than a year ago, I saw that it was missing a nostalgic cereal shop. I saw it as an open opportunity, especially with Charlotte being a diverse city.”

[More info: Check out our sneak peek of Day & Night on IGTV]

Robinson and DuPrée grew up together in the Shaker Heights area of Cleveland, Ohio. If it sounds familiar, it is also the home of rapper Kid Cudi, who is known worldwide for his song “Day and Night”.

“That’s where the inspiration for the name Day & Night came from,” Greg Robinson told CharlotteFive. “As a music artist myself, and Kid Cudi being one of my musical influences, I was excited to partner with Karmon’s brand when he told me about it.”

From creative cereal bars to cereal milkshakes
The cereal bar encourages creativity from anyone who walks through the doors. With a menu that offers pre-made bowl ideas as well as over-the-top cereal shakes, Day and Night looks to “reinvent the most important meal of the day.”

The menu features classics like Fruit Loops and Honey Nut Cheerios, to more exotic cereals offered in countries around the globe.

“We have a blueberry pancake Captain Crunch from Canada, as well as a Nesquik Cereal that turns your milk into chocolate,” DuPrée, founder of Day & Night, told CharlotteFive. “One of the most rare cereals that I have, is one that was produced exclusively for the last Rolling Loud Fest. I probably won’t use it in bowls, but I will display it.”

A basic build-your-own bowl or cereal shake includes two cereals and two toppings including granola, honey and even whipped cream — but the possibilities are endless. A bowl is $7 and shakes are $8.

[Pro tip: Follow us on TikTok and check out our latest post for an idea of what to order from Day & Night.]

  • Love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Order the Mucha Lucha (Cinnamon Toast Crunch topped with whipped cream, churro cereal, buttery cinnamon roll sprinkle and your choice of milk).

  • Honey lovers, the Beehive is sure to please. It’s a mix of Honey Nut Cheerios and Honey Bunches of Oats topped with roasted almond granola and honey. Choose from whole, skim, almond, or oat milk to finish off any bowl or shake.

  • Not in the mood for cereal at all? Try the bacon flight ($5 for 3 pieces). Mix and match with Jamaican Jerk, maple and black pepper, maple and rosemary, honey and sriracha, or homestyle. [Note: Will be available later this summer.]
Robinson and Booker are already planning a special Charlotte-themed menu that will change often. The original menu was based off of things known to L.A., so the couple wants to roll out items specifically for the Queen City in the coming months.

“We’ll feature special monthly items based on some of Charlotte’s notable figures,” Robinson explained. “So if DaBaby or a Hornets’ player comes into the shop we may create a special bowl in honor of them, and feature it for the month.”

Day and Night opens to the public on April 10 at 1 p.m. until 10 p.m. Once things are more normal across the city, the hours will expand for it to be a late-night snack spot.

Day & Night Exotic Cereal Bar
127 Brevard Court

May 10, 2012
Charlotte-based rapper & manager find quick success with vegan-burger food truck - Q City Metro

Charlotte-based rapper & manager find quick success with vegan-burger food truck
Romeo's Vegan Burgers provides comfort food to the health-conscious.

By Bethany Lane
March 22, 2021
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takeOUTside is proudly presented by Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, our partner as we (safely) explore Charlotte-area restaurants, parks and green spaces.

Launching a wildly successful vegan food truck came naturally to rapper Tigo B (Monty Faulkner) and his manager Lamont Heath. Four months in and Romeo’s Vegan Burgers consistently attracts long lines and has gained more than 44,000 Instagram followers.

The two have been working together as rapper and manager for many years. While touring the country, they ate at vegan restaurants and played with the idea of opening their own. In 2019, they bought the equipment and started cooking.

Their food truck serves burgers, fries, milkshakes and cookies that are completely vegan. As soon as the truck parks each day, a line forms with both carnivores and vegans of every age, race and gender.


The Where Art Thou Romeo Burger with fries, and a strawberry plant-based shake
Why vegan burgers?
Heath and Tigo B went vegan for the health benefits, but burgers aren’t the food they miss most.

“I don’t really crave meat at this point, but if I had to choose, it would be seafood,” Tigo B says.

Their goal, he says, is to provide vegans with some “comfort food options.” But equally important, they also want to provide an “easy transitional option” for meat eaters who might be looking to make the switch.

Heath’s favorite menu item is the Tobacco Road Burger (pictured below), which comes with coleslaw, chili and onions. Tigo B’s is the Romeo Mac Burger, which has lettuce, onions, cheese and house pickles.


“Him and I are definitely not chefs,” Heath says when asked how they came up with their recipes. When the pandemic hit, the two began cooking for family and asking for honest feedback. It took a while to get to the perfected burgers and milkshakes they now offer.

Opening during Covid
As for the pandemic, Tigo B says, “It probably helped” their business.

They originally had planned to open a brick-and-mortar location, but since Covid shut those down for while, food trucks gave people an opportunity to takeOUTside while being socially distanced.

The pandemic also gave Tigo B and Heath a break from the music industry. Since tours and concerts were cancelled, they had more time to devote to Romeo’s.

“It’s taken over our lives,” Heath says, describing how they work 15-hour days just to satisfy demand. “Before we sold one burger, we had 3,000 followers.”

Marketing a vegan food truck
The duo had planned to hire a public relations person, but Romeo’s just grew organically, something they credit to their music background, which helped them know how to market the truck. They sometimes ask their Instagram followers to suggest places where they can park and serve, and they also are “guided by the hand above,” Tigo B says.

Heath is from Greensboro, and Tigo B is from Raleigh. They chose to launch the truck in Charlotte because of its foodie culture and progressive nature. They noted that veganism is still a relatively new concept, and if you put it in the wrong atmosphere, it may not flourish.


As for the name, it started when they chose a rabbit to be their mascot. Then they just needed an R-name that would “hit the ear right, and Romeo sounds like a fly rabbit who gets vegan chicks,” Tigo B joked.

Future Plans for Romeo’s?
“We can’t allow customers to lose faith if we want to manifest this vegan McDonald’s thing,” Tigo B says as he discussed how much of their time and energy goes into this business.

Although running the truck is their current priority, Heath notes that Tigo B is an artist signed to a major label, so “in a short time we will have to get back to the music,” he says.


Pictured left is Tigo B (Monty Faulkner), the right is Lamont Heath
Loyal fans of Romeo’s need not fear; the food truck will remain thriving in Charlotte. They are currently hiring so their employees can take care of the day to day.

When asked what they want people to know them for, Tigo B says: “These boys ain’t letting nothing stop them from doing whatever they want to do.”


May 12, 2014
I've been away. Kinda miss the city, ready to get back.

A few pages back a couple guys were talking about renting in Steele Creek. Anybody have any recs on areas/apartments 1BR/partitioned studio? Was staying in Plaza but the pandemic ruined any chance of getting to the know/enjoy the area well outside my apartment.

Was looking at spots Uptown before I left as well but seems like nightlife there for urban folk got destroyed by COVID. Not sure I can justify the price right now.

Enjoyed the amount of black people when I'm out and about in the northern parts of the city, any info on living in the area? Thanks.

Anybody been out since restrictions eased? Seen Press Box got their ABC permit pulled.