Essential The Official Boxing Random Thoughts Thread...All boxing heads ENTER.

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
Was there ever any question? :umad:

Faced 3 opponents
2 of the 3 were Championship level
1 of the 3 was ranked Top 4 P4P
All 3 said "no mas".



If there was a crossover his staple match in the wwe would be an i quit match

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
When Josh Kelly was dropped in the Olympics. too bad Dhaniyar had to go back to amateur from pro because of promoter issues. Crazy that happens to a gold medalist


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
Stevenson will KO Jack.

Btw I'm watching Ward/Kovalev 2. Man Andre was throwing bombs this fight. After watching his retirement interview on HBO, there is no doubt in my mind that he won't stay retired for long.


Jun 1, 2016
his confidence alone will be much for AJ..

Wilder tries too hard to be charismatic and boisterous with overacting every second sentences he says. He wasn't always like this, guess he tries to raise his awareness with it but this shyt rather comes off as ridiculous than convincing for me. Slowly we're geting to the point when he can't even talk about his morning coffe with a straight face. :mjlol:


Jun 1, 2016
Seems like there are more talks about unifications than a few years before.
That's good cause even though belts mean less and less by the day a belt owner in a division is usually still belong to the narrow top of he division.
Collecting my thought about which divisions are unifications possible next year

HW: There's one which almost sure in AJ vs Parker and I think either late 2018 or early 2019 AJ vs Wilder. Basically the sooner they accept it that it won't be some Vegas mega PPV the sooner it's gonna happen, not sure how early though cause there are big egos and all on both sides, negotiations could be hell there. AJ vs Parker will happen though

200: Luckily WBSS deals with this, we surely gonna have the WBO, WBC and IBF titles unified by May, the only one which gets ledt out is Lebedev's WBA

175: Some good, confirmed or almost confirmed fights already in this division for 2018, I think there is a reasonably high chance that HBo gonna make a unification between Kovalev and the winner of Bivol vs Barrera. I don't think they gonna unify with the Showtime guys just yet but it's gonna be interesting how that side plays out with Jack vs Stevenson and Gvozdyk vs Alvarez for the mando spot. I hope Beterbiev can get in the mix somehow too.

168: As opposed tothe previous 3 I'm much less sure that there will be any unification here cause I don't know whether Arum gonna put Gilberto Ramirez against other champions (If I would have to bet I'd say no) and the other parts of the division are too unpredictable. Benavidez vs Gavril II, possible Truax vs Degale II, WBSS... these are legit close calls idk how this division gonna look 6 months from now. I think Eubank gonna win the WBSS though but if any of the Brits win WBSS that person will be the A side in the division who dictates and maybe he will worth enough money for other champions to try their luck and unify.

160: I think Canelo vs GGG II gets made for May and whoever wins gonna unify with BJS later in 2018, yes BJS cause even though I would pick Jacobs or Sndrade to beat BJS if they fight in April I seriously doubt team BJS would risk their current position against somebody like that. They are so close tothe big money fight now that I wouldn't even be surprised if they would just wait until September but probablythey just gonna choose a mediocre opponents as a keep busy in April-May...

154: I think there will be a unification between Hurd and either Charlo or Lara later in 2018. Later cause I think Hurd gonna fight his IBF mandatory first. While he's doing that Lara and Charlo could unify but I doubt it's gonna happen mostly because I doubt Lara would want any of that looking at his recent list of opponents. I doubt that the Sadam Ali (GBP) side would enter this discussion next year.

147: I doubt that we will see a unification here next year. Thurman really sounding like Spence is not included in his 2018 plans and he also has a rematch to win against Porter first which won't be easy. I think Crawford gonna beat Horn and get the belt but I don't think we will see a Crawford vs PBC champion unification in 2018. I think PBC would rather let Spence vs Thurman happening first,a Crawford fight would be too risky for that.

140: I doubt that there will be unifications here. First they gotta get thos belts to begin with. Imam vs Ramirez for WBC and iirc the winner has to fight the winner of Prograis vs Postol right after. Relikh vs Barthelemy for WBA, Lipinets gonna get his belt taken off by Mikey but Mikey probably gonna move back to LW to fight Linares after and finally Hooker vs Flanagan :martin: for the WBO belt. So I don't think so

135: Maybe we gonna see Mikey vs Linares afterall...? I give 55% to it or so... :yeshrug:

130: Loma moving up, I have no idea what the Japanese dude Ogawa who got that belt by roberry gonna do with that belt now but I guess they gonna put Tank in with him. Only realistic unification there now is Machado vs Berchelt. Both GBP affiliated, both fought on HBO, Rican vs Mexican, let's fukking get it... :ehh: If GBP is smart they make this next year.

126: doubt anything will happen. Selby-Warrington-Frampton-Donaire gonna fight each other untilthe summer. LSC vs Mares a rematch nobody really asked for but they even got tune up fights for it, GRJ's one fight per year gonna come against Joseph Diaz and finally Valdez gonna fight whoever, I hope Quigg since none of them have dance partners yet. So if any unifications will happen here that's gonna be the second half of next year, not the first.

122: doubt any unifications will happen... :hubie: Magdaleno with Top Rank, Rey Vargas with GBP, Ryosuke Iwasa only fought once outside of Japan and he got KOd then so I doubt he starts it now and the WBA is vacant now...

118: Burnet has 2 titles but I doubt they are in a rush to fight Tete or Nery (if Nery wins his Yamanaka rematch) but they might have a problem if Inoue deicdes to work himslef in mandatory position for one of the two titles Burnett has. I see some chance for a unification between Tete and Nery, I don't know how much though...

115: Sor vs Estrada is probably the best fight in the division now that Inoue moved up even though it's not a unification. for Inoue's former belt probably Rex Tso gonna fight Aston Palacite. Palacite is Philippino like Ancajas and Rex Tso is with Top Rank like Ancajas so there's that, I see a possiblity there. Idk what are Hearn's intetntions with Yafai whether he would put him up against the best of the division or not...

I'm not knowledgabel enough on the power relations and etc of the lowest 3 divisions to say a credible opinion on that. Melindo and Taguchi gonna unify in 108 just next day though

So there are 5 divisions where 2018 unifications are either sure or very likely (HW, 200, 175, 160, 154)

there are some where it's easily imaginable but far from sure (135, 130)

there are some where it seems a little far fetched now but can happen in the second half of next year (168, 118, 115)

and there are 4 where it's not likely at all imo (147, 140, 126, 122)