Alvarez would be stupid to let that money go.
1. You have no fans
2. You don't speak English or French although you're in Canada
3. You're Colombian. A country that doesn't even follow boxing
4. You are not even active in the ring or the media
Yet, you don't wanna take 1 mil for the fight ?
Stupid fighters man.
It's actually smart to me

As long as he's mandatory, he will always be in position to face Stevenson "next", however, he's getting paid to NOT fight and risk an "0" on his record from Stevenson which would kill off his position being that he has no fanbase and doesn't speak English or French in order to create one

If Stevenson is willing to pay him to not fight, he should take it & then go beat an easier opp which = a double payday and still remaining mandatory to face Stevenson next.