In other news:
"I keep hearing all this talk about Al Haymon and them guys...that fight ain't happening...did they sign the contract...I don't believe it...I can't get a fight like that...I'll fight anybody," stated former world champion Timothy Bradley, who shared his thoughts on the anticipated showdown between welterweight champions Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman. Check it out!
I know he has said that, but that is Mayweather, everyone will take a Floyd fight. Hell Ward and Hopkins have said they would move down as low as possible if they could get Floyd. He is a different type of stimulus package.nah im sure I heard him say he would fight may at 154. also that he would only move up until he gets all belts. never heard anything bout beating everyone at 175 tho.
I know he has said that, but that is Mayweather, everyone will take a Floyd fight. Hell Ward and Hopkins have said they would move down as low as possible if they could get Floyd. He is a different type of stimulus package.
Nah, what I am referring to is that Sanchez is always saying they will move up or down for this fight and that fight, talking about it all casually like GGG will do it regularly. Word is that GGG doesn't want to fight anywhere except 160 and the only fight he said he would move down for was Floyd and he admitted because he would be stupid not to take a Floyd fight, cause everyone wants it.
nikka gtfoh trying to compare lil g to ward and bhop who are ATGS. Lil g said he'd fight/beat ANYONE from 154-168( i remember those a$$holes even talking about 175 at one pointI know he has said that, but that is Mayweather, everyone will take a Floyd fight. Hell Ward and Hopkins have said they would move down as low as possible if they could get Floyd. He is a different type of stimulus package. .
the first crack in juanma's armor with the mtagwa fight
The WBA hopes to resurrect a failed fight between Demetrius Andrade and Jack Culcay by ordering a second purse bid. When it was first announced that the Andrade-Culcay fight fell apart, it was suggested to be because of a tremendous amount of negligence/incompetence from Andrade’s team, who were reported to miss several deadlines to sign a contract. It turns out the situation was much more complicated, RingTV reports.
Sauerland Event, Culcay’s promoter, won the first purse bid for the fight back in August with a winning bid of $425,144. But Artie Pellulo, who co-promotes Andrade, says that Sauerland never really wanted the fight to come off because Andrade already notched a win over Cuclay in the amateurs and that he’d be heavily favored to beat Culcay now.
Because of this Pellulo states that the contract for the fight they were presented with was chuck-full of ridiculous stipulations that they just couldn’t agree to. Sauerland originally placed the blame squarely on Andrade’s team for missing deadlines which caused German television to move off the proposed date, but Pellulo says they just needed reasonable terms.
Pellulo states that the first contract they received from Sauerland on Sept. 1 contained absurd clauses, including a $100,000 penalty if Andrade didn’t show up for publicity appearances (essentially Andrade’s entire purse), as well as a clause that Culcay could choose the gloves Andrade would wear in the fight. RingTV reportedly obtained a copy of the contract and verified these claims.
Andrade, pretty clearly, couldn’t accept such terms and the WBA was forced to step in and drafted their own standard agreement for the bout on Oct. 24, says Pellulo. Andrade is said to have signed the WBA’s standard agreement just a day later (which didn’t include the penalty, and with Andrade able to choose his own gloves), but Sauerland did not.
“They never wanted to fight Andrade,” Pelullo says. “All of the tactics that they used was to stall signing for the fight to make sure they could get out of the fight.” Added DeGuardia: “It’s absurd that they even have the audacity to claim that we pulled out of this fight. It’s absurd.”
In the end Pellulo reaffirms Andrade’s committment to vying for the WBA title and hopes that he and Sauerland Event can come to an agreement before the second purse bid is required.
yeah it was..just watching it and seeing how many flush punches he took..ridiculousMan that fight was fire
WBA orders second purse bid for Andrade-Culcay
Interesting how Germans one of the most hard working, cultured and democratic folks nowadays but in boxing they are one of the dirtiest b*stards
BATB favorite fighter is craw and Valdez, shocking #SmokeSquad rolls together.
And BATB would fight anyone y'all know that.