it takes two to make a fight
i recall floyd calling out stevie johnson, kosta tyzu and others
it didn't happen and ofcourse its all floyd's fault just like the mainstream can't blaming him for the pacquaio fight lol
yall need to stop looking in terms of how floyd is today
back then, ppl were in no hurry to fight him because he was it high risk low reward
and he didn't have the negoitating power he has now. he let himself be fukked by the de la hoya's of the world cause he saw the bigger picture but some of these other dudes bid themselves out cause they really didn't want to fight him
he was one of the most ducked fighters during that time period
he woulda fought anyone if it helped increased his star power
saying he "ducked"or avoided black fighters is foolish
he just wanted to fight big names
and you can not fight everyone
first it was floyd can't handle pressure fighters
floyd can't fight south paws
now floyd ducks black fighters... lol not one single person was saying that back then
easy to re write history
if floyd woulda fought those black fighters it woulda been "well floyd didn't fight that guy

it never ends cause people can't come to grips with how great he is
same thing woulda happened to ward if he didn't take so many breaks
watch the excuses that come if he retires undefeated
" well he didnt fight GGG
