Lmao this is really badalright you wanted a break down so i'ma give it to you. I can only speak for myself. I don't hate Little g, I just call him what he is. a duckin ass hypocrite. I think everybody here knows that little 'g' is a really good fighter with good power, but at the end of the day he's gotten his rep beating sub par opponents. but that's not even why people shyt on him. it's because when dude first started his "reign of terror", he clearly stated he would face ANYBODY from 154 to 168. that was his mantra from the start...."154 to 168....ANYBODY can get it"......he stayed calling out floyd mayweather and pacquiao for 154. he stayed calling out froch and chavez jr for 168. but then ward stepped up the plate and he was.......after constantly ducking the fade from SOG, dude finally pumped his chest out and said he'll only fight him at 164 and 50-50 split. andre accepted the demands, sent his offer to Little G, and by his words, they turned it down in 5 minutes. Loeffler comes back saying they can't accept the fight anymore because if the lemieux ppv did well, ward would no longer be worthy of a 50-50 split. as we already know, his ppv bombed, which is why he's right back on hbo chasing canelo like a groupie bytch tryin to get knocked up. now he's mad cause canelo is doing the SAME exact shyt he did to ward. telling him to come down in weight...considering other fights for bigger money. only difference is that canelo is actually facing BIG name guys, but when 97G ducked ward he was fighting the likes of willie monroe jr and daniel it just makes it blatantly obvious he didn't duck ward because ward didn't bring any fans, he ducked him cause he knew ward would tap that ass and put an end to his hypetrain. his "boogeyman" aura would be done with and HBO would drop his ass quicker than they did kelly pavlik.
golovkin stans say "b b but canelo is the middlweight champion".....yea, cause golovkin only started calling out canelo when he got the middleweight belt right.....and i'm sure if canelo drops the belt after khan, golovkin would stop chasing him around like a gold diggin ho. do you really believe golovkin wants canelo for his middlweight belt or for that payday? real with yourself
.....floyd took risks before getting oscar. canelo took risks before figthing floyd. more importantly, they both SACRIFICED for those opportunities. and at those times, both of em sold well over 97G on their ppv's. so Little g has no right to demand shyt right now. lets keep it all the way 100....golovkin stans shyttin on khan but golovkin has never taken a risk on the level of khan fighting maidana, garcia, or canelo. as far as i'm concerned khan's heart>>>>>>golovkin's. the guy hasn't taken one real risk his entire career, has absolutely no ppv drawing power, but still thinks he got some pull.....fukk outta here
lets go back over the sequence of events....
Little g: I'll fight anybody 154-168
Ward: I'll fight you
Little G: you don't have any fans. i'm a businessman
Little G: *fights mega superstars willie monroe jr and and martin murray"
Little g: okay okay.....164...50-50
Ward: Done
Little g:.....Canelo, where you at playboy?
Canelo: 155 or nothing:CaneLOL:
Little g: why are you acting like a businessman??
Canelo: shut up fakkit![]()
Little g: okay, what about you floyd?
Floyd: beat andre ward and you got it
Can't dispute one word