Redemption is Coming
if i remember correctly (and I usually do) HBO pushed Andre Berto...i dont think we need to go into details on why he didn't pan out and it wasn't because he was black ..unless I'm pushed to rehash....there are several fighters fighting on PBC that should be getting a GGG type push (keith thurman for one)...but another flaw of PBC besides the matchmaking is that Al does not know how to create a star or market the fighters that he advises well or at all
Yet you hate Berto because he was being pushed by a machine but you praise GGG ?
Confusing huh ?
Also some negga here said Ward is not exciting ? I swear man. These dudes on here will say anything. Ward is the most exciting fighter out there. He's just not being forced down our throats. Berto gets Lotta hate cuz of the hype meanwhile we supposed to be mad at HBO but not GGG for his hype

Dat bias...