Who in their right minds would pay to watch that subpar bullshyt again?- If Mayweather vs. Pacquiao 2 were to happen, he bets it would be the second highest PPV ever (behind their first fight).
- Believes there is a reason Wilder is protected with his competition.

All good fights, in order of my preference it would be 1. Pac/Lucas 2. Pac/Crawford 3. Pac/Khan- Would love to see Pacquiao fight either: Matthysse, Khan, or Crawford. Arum has mentioned Brook, but thinks that is a long shot.
A Khan/Crawford fight would be interesting too even though Amir would never agree to it.
I would come at Fat Dan's neck for this slander against the homie Jennings if what he said wasn't true.- What is Bryant Jennings up to? Probably turning down another fight.

Figured this was the whole point of PBC to begin with Allah Haymon is trying to make a boxing version of UFC.- Hearing rumors that PBC will create its own belts next year.